It rained the whole way to New Bedford and most of the time we were there and the whole way home. A cold front came with it and temps were in the 60's where they had been in the 80's and 90's prior to that. Perfect, I didn't have to drink a lighter beer this time. It's not like I woke up and thought, "I can have an amber or a porter today", but when I sat down at Moby Dick Brewing, this crossed my mind. We had been at the Whaling Museum, which is across the street. The whole little area around the museum was cobblestone streets with small shops, cool restaurants and old historic buildings. Bring some quarters because a lot of the parking was by meter only. The museum was really cool actually and we spent two hours there. New Bedford was the epicenter of whaling in the 19th century and the museum does a great job on the history, people and result of whaling on the community and the world. I recommend it highly.
Herman Melville, the author of the classic book, Moby Dick, started his own career as a seaman out of New Bedford, MA in 1841. He was 21 years old and a crewman on the whaling ship Acushnet. New Bedford has just taken the whaling crown from Nantucket the year before, mostly due to the railroad access it had and easier access to the Boston markets. New Bedford soon became the richest city in the world and teemed with life. It makes sense then that Melville would use the city in his book. New Bedford is still a huge fishing port and ferries running to Martha's Vineyard run from there as well. Moby Dick Brewing Company is a block off the port and has a great location. It was started in 2017 and the beers honor the history of the area. I had the Melville Mild, which is an English style mild ale. I thought it was excellent. As you'd expect from a mild it was smooth to drink and almost creamy. I believe I was told they just tapped a new keg of it, and it would be creamy partly due to that. The alcohol content was low at 4.2%, but it was flavorful and was perfect for the wet, cold weather. I had it with a delicious burger, but it was good without the food. I'd drink it any day. Best beer on the trip.
They have a solid stable of beers. The Ishm-Ale, Irish Amber stands out to me along with a New England IPA called, The Pulpit. The lighter side has a raspberry blonde ale, a pilsner and an American style lager. A smoked porter, hefeweizen and German style Gose round out the choices. The brewery has a ton of social events on their calendar, and you can listen to live music there as well. I wanted to buy a t-shirt, but like most places I go, there were only small and medium sizes left. Yeah, I wish. New Bedford is only an hour out of Boston and there is a lot to see along the coastal areas there, so maybe consider a sojourn and check out the museum and Moby Dick Brewing Company.
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