Much has been said about the Chinese spy balloon. Some of the things we know make no sense and others have proven unfounded, but one thing is for sure. Joe Biden’s inaction was pure and simple a dereliction of duty. This president has proven to be a ditherer and is almost always on the wrong side of history when any military decision has been made. Remember, he was the only one in the room who didn’t want to take out Bin laden and who can forget the most embarrassing military disaster in US history, the bungled and misguided withdrawal from Afghanistan. Biden has been compromised whether his allies on the left want to admit it or not and many of this administration’s actions or inactions, have been a direct result of his appeasement of China. I will contend that China is the single greatest threat to America and the world. We are already at war with China, you just don’t know it yet, but the Chinese do.
Gordan Chang, who is a senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute and someone I trust on all things China, gave an interview to Fox News where he said his group has all but confirmed that the Chinese mission was successful. His assertion was that this was a test and we failed, proving the US cannot protect its own airspace, cannot protect you and is weak. It’s something Xi and CCP officials have been saying since Biden entered office, even mocking us for using jets to shoot down balloons. Now China has the seized the high ground to tell the rest of the world, do business with us and to his own people, now is our time. We know China’s near-term ambitions include taking Taiwan. Their military build-up, constant incursions into Taiwanese waters and airspace is all in preparations for an invasion. I would contend that they have been so brazen as to fly spy balloons over our country because they are also considering a “first strike” on the US. Maybe not a nuclear strike, but something to knock us off guard when they hit Taiwan. I think a takeover of Taiwan would take just hours and that may be all they need. In this war being waged by Beijing, one that we haven’t and won’t fire a shot of any kind, China has been working live a hive of drones to subvert us at every turn.
First of all, the Biden Family business of selling Joe’s influence to China and others is well known. There is mounting evidence, which is getting to the tipping point, where we are going to be able to say definitively that this happened. The evidence against Hunter and the Big Guy is overwhelming. For now, they have something over Joe Biden for this and of course, that was the point all along. It might even have been China’s idea that Joe run for president. That would make him the first president in US history that could be black mailed by a foreign power. That notion is hard to refute considering he’s all but surrendered to them already.
Let’s next consider the $60 million dollar bribe, essentially, that China gave to the Penn-Biden Center and the near-immediate lobbying the Penn-Biden Center then did to get the Biden Administration to drop the China Initiative. Which it promptly did. This was the prize, but access to all the classified documents Joe stashed there was just the cherry on top. The China Initiative was perhaps our last, best shot at curbing the biblical flood of espionage that China has been doing inside our country for 25 years now. Started in 2018, the China Initiative’s goal was to stop economic espionage that was happening in both university research facilities and businesses. It was having some success, enough for China to pay a bribe to make it stop, but like everything today was criticized as…you guessed it…racist. This charge was led by none other than China and echoed by Democrats with all kinds of false-flag press stories and fake outcry. I read several articles put out by the pointy-headed intellectuals that made me throw up as I was reading. It’s no wonder we’re losing the war when our counter-espionage programs are subject to the scrutiny of social justice warriors. A common person would say if we know that Chinese students, professors and business people are stealing our technology, then targeting Chinese students, professors and business people would be the only way to stop it. To a woke liberal Democrat, everything Trump did was racist and therefore we must denounce it, thus enabling the CCP to continue unimpeded with stealing our technology and subverting our country, aided by Democrats. It’s why China will most likely win. They will do what it takes, no matter the cost, and we have our hands tied by advocacy groups that tear us apart. There’s a real good chance, those groups are funded by China.
Next, ponder the flood of fentanyl into this country. Cooked and made in China for the sole purpose of killing our youth and creating a social and economic epidemic. The money China makes off this is just a secondary bonus, it’s the chaos and death, not to mention the friends in the narco world they’ve made. Anything they want to smuggle in here is now possible. This problem is really one of the more sinister, purposeful incursions into the soul of our country. Killing 70,000 young Americans a year and climbing. Tricking many young people into thinking they are taking one thing, but that other thing that was slipped in there is so powerful it kills them without a chance of survival. It’s also a problem we could fix immediately, yet not a finger has been lifted. If you’re a parent, it’s truly horrifying times. Tik-Tok is another useful tool the Chinese are using to surveille and mess with us socially. If anyone believes it is a harmless social media app, you are a total fool. The Chinese are buying our farmland and charter schools. That sounds like a terrible idea to let happen. China has its own police stations operating in several US cities, possibly to police their own citizens who’ve gotten a taste of freedom, or possibly for other para-military reasons. We know about their existence, their locations, yet we’ve done nothing to shut them down. Why? Would any other country on earth let that happen?
Their support for Russia in its invasion of Ukraine is deeper and stronger than they let on and is meant to be a direct affront to the US and its allies. In the wake of Russia’s battlefield failures and the somewhat surprising unity of NATO, China has been feverishly working on making their country sanction-proof and has taken every lesson of Russian failure to heart. At every step, China has a hand in our moral, economic, social and military decline, aided all the way by Democrats, environmentalists and race-baiters. The more divided we are, the more we are willing to give up our standard of living by dumping billions and soon to be trillions into the trough of climate change. The less they actually have to do to us to win this war, the better. If you wanted to destroy a country, you couldn’t dream up a better plan than the one now in motion if you tried.
My musings on China aren’t some half-baked notions, they are based on some study of China and trying to understand the complex lessons from history they seem to take rather deeply. Not only that, Xi has some rather interesting thoughts on his purpose and an undying quest for reunification. One of the better readings you can do is from Rush Doshi, a former Brookings Fellow, who’s book “The Long Game: China’s Grand Strategy to Displace American Order” explains rather well. Here is an excerpt;
And so it was in 1872 that in one of his many correspondences, Li (a Qing Dynasty general who gained great influence and power for putting down the Taiping Rebellion) reflected on the groundbreaking geopolitical and technological transformations he had seen in his own life that posed an existential threat to the Qing. In a memorandum advocating for more investment in Chinese shipbuilding, he penned a line since repeated for generations: China was experiencing “great changes not seen in three thousand years.”2
That famous, sweeping statement is to many Chinese nationalists a reminder of the country’s own humiliation. Li ultimately failed to modernize China, lost a war to Japan, and signed the embarrassing Treaty of Shimonoseki with Tokyo. But to many, Li’s line was both prescient and accurate—China’s decline was the product of the Qing Dynasty’s inability to reckon with transformative geopolitical and technological forces that had not been seen for three thousand years, forces which changed the international balance of power and ushered in China’s “Century of Humiliation.” These were trends that all of Li’s striving could not reverse.
Now, Li’s line has been repurposed by China’s leader Xi Jinping to inaugurate a new phase in China’s post–Cold War grand strategy. Since 2017, Xi has in many of the country’s critical foreign policy addresses declared that the world is in the midst of “great changes unseen in a century”. If Li’s line marks the highpoint of China’s humiliation, then Xi’s marks an occasion for its rejuvenation. If Li’s evokes tragedy, then Xi’s evokes opportunity. But both capture something essential: the idea that world order is once again at stake because of unprecedented geopolitical and technological shifts, and that this requires strategic adjustment.
China is not just looking for regional influence, but global dominance. They have been working at every hint of American decline to make themselves the new hegemon and to much success so far. The unprecedented geopolitical shifts were our inability to hold them accountable for the Coronavirus pandemic, the weakness of the current administration, who supports a destabilization of our country with defunding our police and painting January 6th as an insurrection, which it wasn’t. The destruction of a cornerstone of freedom, safe streets and law and order, has made America weak. The push for diversity, equity and inclusion in our military has destroyed unit cohesiveness and our readiness. Forcing our economy to transition to renewable energy will destroy us economically, thus furthering the disintegration of the middle class leading eventually to societal upheaval.
The centennial of the founding of the Republic of China will be in 2049 and there is a stated goal of reviving China by then. The US has never been faced with anything like the rising power of China. I tend to agree that there has been a sharp decline in American power and China has been there to step into the vacuum. This balloon incident is just one of many signs of weakness, signs, that if you’re looking to make a move of some kind, are unmistakable and must be exploited. The West has sat on its hands as China has exploited the holes and modernized their military. I’ve heard Biden say a rising China is a good thing and they are no threat to us. Stupidity in the extreme. Also, stupidity to an extreme is the green movement. Biden wants China to sign on to the Paris Accords and even if they do, there would be so many carve-outs and they would never live up to anything in it. They will sit back and watch the West destroy itself, aided by them poisoning our culture, stealing our technology and laughing the whole time. Laughing because they have acquired or own almost all of the minerals and materials required to become green, so we pay them for our own decline. Brilliant strategy, actually.
There is one thing is on our side though. China's One Child Policy, put in place 33 years ago, has set in motion a demographic catastrophe. In less than a generation China will no longer be able to support itself. China’s population was supposed to peak in 2029, but it is actually happening this year. Much of their growth economically was due to shrewd business and the fact that there were 5 workers to support every older person. By 2031, this will be 2 workers for every older person and this trend will continue until an implosion happens in 2050, right when China celebrates its centennial. Since China basically bans immigration, they have no way out of this mess. There are nearly 35 million more men than women and China only ended the one child policy in 2016, with a two child policy now in effect. Since the lives of their own people have never been even an afterthought of the CCP, they probably think a good war to kill off a large number of men wouldn’t be a bad idea. If China wasn’t a communist nation who suppresses its own people, imprisons its Christian population, steals our technology and has built a massive military with express purpose of defeating ours, I wouldn’t be so happy with their impending collapse. Mostly because the hardships it will create will be bloody and disastrous, but since all of those things are true and they want to be our enemy, I hope it happens sooner than later and we could help by starting a new "space race" to make sure we don't lose supremacy. Then both Li and Xi can lament for another century at the failures of their own making.
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