The reason the Lady Justice statue outside your friendly neighborhood courthouse is blindfolded is that justice in America is supposed to be blinded to who you are, your skin color, your wealth or lack-there-of and to outside noise and influences. Our justice system is considered the standard of the world because you, the lowly wretch that you are, has a fighting chance to be treated fairly under the law. The reason why we have confirmation hearings in the senate for new Supreme Court Justices is that we get to find out their qualifications and intelligence, when it comes to an understanding of our Constitution and its applications. It also is a last chance to see the biases that are espoused by the nominees through their writings, judgments, comments and answers to questions. The job is considered to be apolitical, but in recent years, thanks to screaming and scheming liberals, it has become hyper-politicized where scurrilous attacks and violence are acceptable. These are the people who want to stack the court and encouraged mentally disturbed followers to show up outside justice's homes to kill them. Still, we're told the court is supposed to be apolitical. Now, I'm not dumb enough to believe that judges don't have biases, but the best ones refuse to talk about them.
The worst kind of judge is one who brings their biases to the forefront and openly talks about what personal political positions they support, especially when they are trying to win a seat on the bench. This politicking is counter to what we want in a justice. No one wants to go before a judge when their case has anything to do with what the judge campaigned against? You know that no matter the merits of your case, you will not get that judge's ruling in your favor because they have tarnished the whole system with their bias. We want someone who follows the law with integrity and it is perhaps the only thing that gives the court its legitimacy. The fairness of blind justice.
This brings us to the race for Wisconsin's Supreme Court. Janet Protasiewicz, a Milwaukee County circuit court judge since 2014, is running for the open seat and she might as well come out and say I am a progressive Democrat. Her campaign has been nothing short of a pro-abortion rally from beginning to end. She has come out and said the over-turning of Roe v Wade was the worst decision in US history and she intends to correct that error. Janet is an activist, and her prior sentencing history is one of shame. She has consistently sided with criminals, passing along low bail and light sentences to violent individuals. When I heard that George Soros gave Protasiewicz $1 million for her campaign, it all made sense and was really the final straw in my opposition to her getting on the court. Our country is going through a massive crime wave in the wake of the Defund the Police movement. People are dying in the street, entire cities are not walkable anymore as Soros funded D.A.'s will not prosecute most crimes. Janet is part of the problem, not a solution. No court in this country should have to deal with a judge who is indifferent to the law and adjudicates based on political feelings, something she makes clear she does on a daily basis. Neither she nor the Democrats that support her seem to care in the least that this isn't justice at all. It's a blatant perversion of everything a judge used to be. Saul Alinksy, the mentor of every good socialist, has often said that the ends always justify the means. They also claim morality is just a point of view.
This campaign is already the costliest state Supreme Court race in history, with Democrats throwing in $25 million, which is 5 times as much as conservative candidate Dan Kelly has raised. I am so sick of Democrats throwing out candidates that check boxes and are activists. A judge that legislates from the bench and circumvents the will of the people is the same as stealing an election through fraud. You are corrupting the levers of power and destroying the integrity of our entire system, but that seems to be the point the more you think about it. So, we have an incident where a white cop is involved in the death of a black suspect, riots erupt across the country, killing police officers, injuring innocent citizens, burning, looting and destroying property and shutting down commerce. No one is prosecuted and Democrats actually set up funds to bail the assailants out of jail if they do happen to be arrested. BLM pitches defunding police across our nation, labeling the entire profession as racist. The Democrats and George Soros seem to be utterly prescient because they stacked the deck with pro-criminal district attorneys all across the country just before any of this went down and now a cornerstone of democracy, the safety of our citizens, is in doubt. While we slept, they stole our freedoms, supplanting real scholars of justice with left-wing extremist activists. If Protasiewicz wins, and it appears she will, the balance of power on the court will change to majority liberal. Wisconsin can add itself to the list of blue states that no longer represent the American dream. Freedoms will slowly erode as the state will be awash in lawlessness and socialist activism. A justice system that has been hijacked by extremists who pulled down their blindfolds and use them to cover the rest of their face, you know, like people who want to hide their real identity do as they rob you.
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