I think it's pretty obvious from the beginning that Joe Biden isn't running our government. He's just a vessel, but sadly he's going along with everything the liberal socialists who do run things, want. Everyday there is a new assault on our freedoms and many of these things are hidden away in the bills, proposals and executive orders that come out. Since we don't have a free press any longer, once they are exposed, you are fed a line of bullshit so deep that you actually vote for and accept your own demise with a smile. Not me. Screw that.
Last year, among other God awful things he's proposed, good ol' Uncle Joe signed an executive order and came up with an update to the UCC, or Uniform Commercial Code. I find the explanation of the UCC quite tiresome and boring, but it is important to understand what it is and what it does. In 1953, private organizations, like the Uniform Law Commission, came out with UCC regulations because it was becoming difficult to transact business between states. Each state had its own set of rules and laws concerning things like banking, loans, and business to business transactions. It was for small businesses and the sale of personal property mostly. Having to sign a UCC-1 form is common in commercial loans today. The UCC's intent is to make clear any confusion over how each state may separately regulate commerce by making many things standard or uniform. Each state needed to adopt the code and has the option to amend or modify some of the rules to fit their own vision and most have done that.
Working from two different angles, the Biden Administration and the Federal Reserve has snuck some freedom destroying alterations into their proposal to update the UCC and separately, he issued an executive order in March of last year with sweeping changes on how cryptocurrency is to be regulated combined with the most evil and nefarious framework of CBDC or central bank digital currency. You should be afraid at just the mention of CBDC. It is the Voldemort of words. I knew it wouldn't be long before crypto was in the sights of the Federal government and I personally have stayed away from it for that reason. No government can stand a form of currency they cannot control, so the crackdown was sure to happen. Many people have lost money trying to invest in crypto with a few making millions. I'd go as far as to say, most people still don't have a great grasp on how it works, but suffice to say, the Feds were going to do something and now is the time. However, when the White House has to come out with a fact sheet to try to explain themselves, that is your first indication of just how evil what they are doing. They use the term "to protect" over and over, you know the only thing they are protecting is their own interests, not yours. So, it isn't the lies about protecting you from crypto that bother me, it's the hidden lies about CBDC and crypto that have me scared out of my mind.
Socialism is about big government controlling everything you do, buy, sell and monitoring you as you do it. That is what digital currency is all about and the framework the socialists in the Biden Administration have come up with is this; you will no longer own your own money, ever. Not only that, neither will the bank, which is how your money is handled now. The government will own it, but will keep it in the bank and the mechanisms to control it and what you spend it on are being put in place. The idea of the "right to privacy" will not exist if this happens. Perhaps this is another reason why the Supreme Court is under such attack. The only thing standing in the way of them is the 14th Amendment. They leaned on it pretty hard when Roe v Wade was overturned, screaming about the right to privacy for women. Yet in their never-ending hypocrisy, they want it abolished in this case and can't even say what a woman is. Of course, when sane people started reading these proposals, the socialists started lying. They say the understanding of the changes to the UCC and idea behind CBDC has been misinterpreted, but their own words betray them.
This new digital currency would not be a digitized form of the dollar, but rather a new form of currency altogether. Working tirelessly for months with agencies like the US Treasury, National Security Council, National Economic Council and the Office of Science and Technology, all completely stacked with elitist socialists, the proposals they've come up with for CBDC are extreme and end with totalitarian control, to say the least. It has nothing to do with protecting you, but rather shackling you to a system that is being designed around support for inclusion, equity and diversity programs and this never-ending transition to zero emissions. It's just a bunch of social, economic and environmental justice bullshit, but the end result would be you would no longer have control of your money and if they didn't like what people were spending their allowed currency on, they could shut it off at the source. This could all be tied to your social obedience score and then you'd be taxed at a level commiserate to that score. This isn't mere speculation or fearmongering on my part, but actual discussion among these agencies and the Biden Administration. This is the end of America we are talking about. A police state where you have no value, no rights, no privacy and can only vote one way. For bigger, authoritarian government.
Your only form of payment for anything will be a digital, programmable currency owned by the government with traceable access to everything you buy, which will be monitored and controlled by the government. In every scenario that is discussed, there isn't one where you would own your money. It would either be directly owned by the Federal Reserve or specially sanctioned intermediaries. Since cash will be done away with, you cannot withdraw money for any reason because you don't own it and having possession of it would be illegal. I know some of you are skeptical and don't believe this could ever happen, but it is being talked about and the framework is well underway to being created.
This would destroy America, but so much of what they have already done and are attempting to do is destroying us already. You stupidly keep voting for it. There are some fighting it. On the UCC front, Kristy Noem, Governor of South Dakota has recently vetoed adopting the changes for her state and is urging others to follow along. She is mostly concerned about the regulation of cryptocurrencies where the update to the code attempts to regulate and eliminate some of the many cryptos out there. It also paves the way for CBDC through this backdoor in the code. A few states have already adopted it, apparently without thinking ahead, so this is going to get real very soon. Talk about totalitarian, the Bidenestas actually want to eliminate some cryptos instead of letting free market forces do the work that has always been done and then control what is left, ensuring you don't come out ahead. It seems hard to imagine that the government could do away with our money, but I predict it will happen unless there is a two or three generation swing to the Republican Party. Biden is already saying this change would be in order to stop crime, which they purposely let loose on all of us two years ago. A massive wave of crime has hit all Democrat-controlled cities already and a tidal wave of drugs and illegals has descended upon us from the borders they have left open. They control their stormtroopers in the BLM and Antifa movements, which are unleashed whenever they want, so all the makings of a black flag event are set up now. Guess where they got the idea for this freedom crushing tool? China, who is experimenting already with a digital Yuan.
So, I urge you to look into this push for CBDC because it is real and the threat it presents is a game-changer. This is civil war type stuff. Can you imagine if you no longer had control of your money and the government controlled what you spent your allowed currency on? Money and Payments: The U.S. Dollar in the Age of Digital Transformation (federalreserve.gov) Here is a link to the Biden administration's detailed report on creating a digital currency. Surprisingly, there has been some pushback, even from left leaning media outlets, against this, so the usual lemmings see the danger here too. I stated this earlier, but the Biden administration's executive order plainly states that "financial inclusion and equity" as well as limiting "climate change and pollution" must be key considerations in the development of a new central bank digital currency and digital asset regulatory schemes. Everything they do is about systemic racism and climate change. They simply wouldn't allow you to buy what you wanted and if it wasn't net zero emissions, it would be denied. I'm positive that your income would be limited to your skin color and so would your travel and allowed purchases. It's so obvious that this new reverse racism is something we are going to have to deal with as long as any Democrat resides in the White House. Don't believe me, just look at the new mortgage rules going into effect in May. Good credit home buyers are now going to have to pay an extra $40 per month on their mortgage to subsidize high risk home buyers. Also, if you have a large down payment, you also will pay more on your mortgage to subsidize poor credit home buyers. This is also a DEI move on the part of the BLM toadies who run the White House. This is clearly aimed at people through reverse racism, yet is couched as something else. Every single day there is a new assault on your freedoms. It's always coming from one place, Democrats. Look what they did during the pandemic. You had no freedom at all, in the name of public health, but we now know for 100% certainty that all of that was a lie. Masks didn't protect you even slightly. Neither did standing 6 feet apart. The virus died on contact with surfaces and the vaccine was really just a shot of nothingness that neither protected you nor prevented the spread. In fact, it killed and injured many people. Yet, liberals ate it up and were the first ones to call you a denier and were eager to see you lose your job and pension if you didn't take the jab. It was the lowest point in public discourse in my life in this country and will leave a lasting mark, well until the next abuse of power the Democrats are cooking up. CBDC is it. The adoption of this form of currency will usher in a totalitarian state with power rivaling the worst dictators you can conjure up and in a country that has always prided itself on its freedom and unparalleled liberties, this will lead to something worse than we've seen before.
Inform yourself people and fight. Pause and think what you've lost already... Everything costs more and this was done on purpose. They lied the whole time inflation was taking off saying it didn't exist, then it was transitory. They did nothing for too long and when they finally did, they are now causing monetary disruptions as banks fail. They laughed at the price of gasoline telling us to get used to it because we had to transition to renewable energy. They have brought us to the brink of war with both Russia and China. The borders are wide open and 100,000 Americans are dying from fentanyl a year now. They've done nothing about it. They've ditched 50 years of the feminist cause to declare that trans sexual people are whatever gender they want, going as far as to deny what women are, telling us men can get pregnant and our schools are full of people willing to steal your children's souls behind their parents backs to get them to transition at young ages. The schools and administration have said many times that your kids are no longer yours, but the school's. They had the FBI intimidate and spy on parents. Corporations now have diversity and inclusion scores and they shove unpopular social activism down our throats. Republicans are now extremists and are considered threats to democracy, while left wing rioters and anarchists were allowed to burn, assault and murder and we were told it was peaceful protests. We saw the flames and the carnage and the statues of our history coming down, but we were racist and wrong. They've abused the FBI and Department of Justice and broken the law to treat their political opponents in unfair ways. Freedom is under assault in every facet of our lives and we either fight or it will be gone.
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