Yesterday a story came out that blew me away. Not because of what was said, but because they said it out loud and put their name on it. Though I always thought they felt this way, now there is no doubt about what the teacher's unions in this country actually think of you, America and their wanton control of your children's minds. If you were ever unclear of this and have a general feeling of wanting to support schools, you should rethink that notion.
The Colorado Education Association (CEA), a 40,000 member local chapter of the National Education Association teacher's union, came out with the following statement;
"CEA believes that capitalism requires exploitation of children, public schools, land, labor, and/or resources. Capitalism is in opposition to fully addressing systemic racism (the school to prison pipeline), climate change, patriarchy, gender and LGBTQ disparities), education inequality, and income inequality,"
A first draft was slightly different; "CEA believes that capitalism requires exploitation of children, public schools, land, labor, and/or resources and, therefore, the only way to fully address systemic racism (the school to prison pipeline), climate change, patriarchy (gender and LGBTQ disparities), education inequality, and income inequality is to dismantle capitalism and replace it with a new, equitable economic system."
Where the hell do I begin? First off, we know that the new economic system they wish for is communism. Socialism doesn't go far enough for these people. Communist sentiment is incredibly strong on college campuses and these people are a product of the last several decades of America-hating professing. To cement my point, this resolution by the CEA was introduced by a college history professor named, Bryan Lindstrom. Can you fathom your kids being taught history by a communist? If it wasn't for the prosperity capitalism provides, we couldn't fund our schools, pay teacher's salaries and have the lifestyles we enjoy. Capitalism has created more wealth and innovation in America in 230 years than all other countries combined from the beginning of time. It's breathtaking in the sheer stupidity of people who so much adore communism, but don't know the first thing about living under that kind of oppression. Yet, its spread like wildfire.
Every horrible, woke idea that is tearing our country apart is in this statement. It's important to point out that they don't care it's tearing us apart, that's the point of it. The 90% of the rest of us are sick as hell about it, but their comrades in the media, Hollywood and White House push it constantly. There isn't a bigger exploiter of children than teacher's unions. They are using your kids for their sexual fantasies, with a barrage of transsexual drag show, story hours, gender confusion and even going as far as trying to transition kids behind the backs of their parents. It is mind boggling how they have actually come out and said on multiple occasions that our kids are theirs and parents should have no say in their education. The sycophants have taken over the school boards as well. This almost unbelievable belief was taken to task in Virginia, when they stepped in it by trying to teach critical race theory. Luckily, parents rebelled and gave us Glenn Youngkin. This needs to happen in every community in the country and take back our schools. Before you go off calling me a homophobe or whatever the "phobe" or "ist" of the week is, I never said one word about being anti-anything. Go live your life, no one cares what you do in the privacy of your life, but the radical activism in our schools and pushing it and demanding fealty is abhorrent. Finally, note that this resolution doesn't mention actual education at all, as in reading, writing and arithmetic. The CEA has ceased to be an advocate for education and is now merely a political organization.
Teacher's unions were nearly completely responsible for keeping your children out of school during the pandemic. Randi Weingarten, perhaps one of the worst people alive in America, wrote the CDC's policy and did more to set back education and your children's mental health than any person, short of dickhead Anthony Fauci. Yes, I am biased. I'm not the only one. In an interview for an online site last November, Mike Pompeo called Weingarten, "the most dangerous person in the world." Think about that, here's a former C.I.A Director and Secretary of State who has dealt with some of the world's worst despots and totalitarians and he's calling Weingarten the most dangerous. In our world, as citizens of the greatest country on earth, she is the most dangerous, and leads an organization of zombies as committed to stealing the souls of your kids, as she is. She has led an all-out assault on the family dynamic through a culture war based on race and gender. Actual education has been removed with America-hating rhetoric, the religion of climate change, and blatant attempts to mainstream transsexuals and LBGTQ++. I know from personal experience that reading, writing and math are barely taught and kids are not required to turn assignments in on time. Study habits and critical thinking have no place in school, being replaced with social justice, race and sexual identity. My own kid is a victim (and it takes a lot for someone like me to use the word victim) of the total bastardization of what we used to call education. He is wholly unprepared for the real world and I feel he was just pushed along. He's not stupid, in fact he's very bright, just poorly educated from a system more concerned with money, new schools and awesome pensions. It's a racket. Please spare me the crap about hating teachers. Not once did I blame teachers. It's bigger than teachers and there are plenty of teachers who don't agree with what the CEA said or what Weingarten advocates.
The latest statistics I could find were for 2019, where we have hard numbers. Back then total spending on education in the US was $800 billion. The best guesstimate for 2023 is $1.238 trillion. That is $20,000 per publicly educated pupil. That is third or fourth in the world on spending, yet our rank in the world has dropped to 24th in reading and science and an awful 39th in math. We've declined in all categories. This is the fault of the teacher's unions and a pretty worthless and pointless Department of Education. They bilk us for enormous sums, my own property taxes have skyrocketed from about $2,400 a year to over $5,000 in a decade, and our kids have gotten a subpar education. The system is broken and when a union thinks it should hold ultimate sway over the mind and body of our kids, this is where I draw the line. To me, unless each state makes itself a right to work state and we revive and revitalize the school choice system, we will fall into decline as a nation, which actually feels like is already happening. Our future is our kids. They should be priority-one. Just think what kind of education your children would get if you were given a voucher worth what we already spend per kid and you could send them where you wish? The teacher's unions will literally fight you to the death for you to never have that option.
Before you just think this statement by the CEA was isolated, check this out.
The president of the National Education Association, the largest teacher's union in the nation, declared that racial and social justice is a pillar of the NEA's efforts.
"For us at the NEA, education justice must be about racial justice, it must be about social justice, it must be about climate justice. It must be about all of those things. For our students to be able to come to school ready to learn every day. We can never think of education as an isolated system because everything connects to our students' ability to learn. So, we have to necessarily talk about housing justice, food inequality, and the reality that we all just went through a global pandemic together and of course it was the most marginalized communities that were already suffering from the inequities in every single social system in this country and every country."
Sorry, but we don't pay teachers to push political ideologies on our kids and crap like this makes me more certain than ever, that teachers unions need to be abolished. Not only that, but I don't want anyone corrupting my kid's mind on matters of race, sex and diversity. Your job is to educate, not indoctrinate. I truly believe that any teacher, administrator or coach who pushes gender affirming surgery behind parent's backs or indoctrinates children in ideologies counter to their parent's beliefs should be subject to criminal and civil prosecution and prison time. There will be no way to stop it otherwise. The power must solely be in the hands of parents. We fund the entire education system, which means we own it. Now is the time to destroy it and remake it because things have truly gotten out of hand. How liberating would it be to cut off all the dollars that fund these people who not only don't believe what you believe, but actively work, day and night, to destroy what you believe in. I believe in America, but these people don't. How in the hell could we put people who don't believe in America or in capitalism or in American exceptionalism or parental rights, in charge of educating our progeny, our legacy, our future?
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