War with China seems inevitable. The weakness of the Biden Administration all but guarantees a bloody conflict with the Communists. It really started with Joe Biden selling his influence to CCP members and the Chinese paid the Biden's well for this. While Joe was just a greedy and corrupt politician, the CCP had a plan to imbed themselves deeply within America and Joe agreed to not get in their way. For the past two and a half years, Joe has repeatedly said China is not a threat, not even a competitor. Everytime they've broken the law or breached our security or imposed on our sovereignty, Joe has denied it was happening, did nothing to stop it, turned a blind eye or just blamed Trump. The Spy Balloon Crisis was a perfect example and if it wasn't for public outcry and the optics of sheer weakness, he wouldn't have done anything. In fact, he waited until the Chinese traversed the length of the country, collecting data in real time, from our sensitive military sites, before he was forced to shoot it down. I'm guessing he called Xi to apologize. Then, like the buffoon he is, he came out and said the incident was embarrassing to China and suggested it wasn't an intentional act. The evidence that China is already at war with us on a global scale in every way possible is irrefutable. They are attacking and killing America at everything from a societal, military, economic and cultural level. We are losing as we just watch Tik Tok, push transgenderism on young children, allow fentanyl to kill a hundred thousand young people a year, erase our past, can't describe what a woman is, weaponize our Justice Department and FBI to take out political opponents, and destroy our military with DEI policies. China does as it pleases, taking us out as trade partners with most of the world, stopping trading in the dollar, set up miliary bases in the South China Sea, Africa, and South America. They control all facets of renewable energy, control construction and ports around the Panama Canal, have bought and paid for most of the free world to stay out of a conflict when they take Taiwan and conspire every minute of every day, in a "whole country" approach to destroying the United States. Thousands of Chinese sleeper agents have crossed our southern border and simply await the order to strike our power grid, water supply, oil and gas pipelines and refineries. China has a minimum of 2 million intelligence agents working against us, we have just 200,000 in the whole spy community. They have spent billions to set up a network of satellite killing craft in space, increasing to just over 500 satellites in 2022, up from 250 in 2019. They've built up their military and nuclear capabilities beyond anything we can contend with, having superiority in ships, planes, missiles and personnel.
That is why the revelations last week that they have set up a spy base in Cuba came as just another blow. A true realization that we have never faced an enemy as determined and committed to killing us all and one that has the means and nonstop energy to do it. We've sat back and done nothing. By mid 2025 we will be at war and we will lose very quickly. It will be such a shock as millions of dead Americans in the homeland and massive air, sea, space and land forces will wipe out what little might we will have left. Taiwan is gone and so is the global hegemony we have had for 100 years. Most war game simulations have us losing quickly, with only a handful showing that we win, but with catastrophic losses. Right now, the US military would run out of missiles in a week because we've given most of our stockpiles to Ukraine. You should remember that it was Joe Biden that allowed this to happen and it hasn't been an accident of incompetence, but a willful act.
When it was announced in a Wall Street Journal article last week that Cuba had agreed to allow the Chinese to set up a spy base, the Biden Administration denied it. Then, two days later, they confirmed it and of course, blamed the Trump Administration. The claim was that the Chinese have had a base there collecting intelligence and surveilling everything we do since 2019. Their rather cocky statement reads, “In fact, the PRC conducted an upgrade of its intelligence collection facilities in Cuba in 2019. This is well-documented in the intelligence record.” The Biden Administration was caught flat-footed by the Wall Street Journal article, just like they were with the spy balloon and like always, they lied. Trump Administration officials maintain they were never briefed on it during their time in office. So, if it is true that Biden knew in 2021, when he took office, why has nothing been done about this? If true, this is just another case proving that blackmail works because Joe took the money and used Hunter to soak up as much cash as he could by selling the influence of his office, not caring about the United States, our security or our laws. Every other president has known and stated the danger that China represents, but Joe has never shown the least bit of interest in deterring China at any point, no matter what they do. It's more than curious. At this point, it is a dereliction of duty at the highest level. It's no secret that since Biden took office that China has gone at break-neck speed in their pursuit of becoming the world's dominant power. Can you tell me exactly what the US has done to counter them? Virtually nothing since Trump's time in office. It's been individual states banning the purchase of land near military bases, not the federal government. Just the other day, Biden allowed the Chinese to open an electric battery plant in Michigan. WTF? Can anyone explain why we've done nothing about the fentanyl epidemic? Everyone knows that China is the only country that produces the precursors that make fentanyl, and they sell it to the drug cartels. And, of course, we've done nothing about the pandemic that they started. We've gone about destroying our energy sector in the name of global warming, being cheered on by the CCP, yet not once, has the global community demanded that China embrace the same policies. In fact, they exempt them. China is the world's largest polluter by a factor of ten. We've allowed them to control the world's supply of EV battery rare earth minerals and they own the solar panel industry lock, stock and barrel. Every facet of the industry is controlled by them. China is now the world's leader in technological advancements and research. They are also now the world's dominant trade partner with virtually every country on earth, replacing the US. We only trade more with Canada, Mexico and Great Britain. We've lost our place and Biden continues to maintain they aren't competitors and simply won't confront them. Why would an American president ignore the greatest threat to our country?
Cuba has been a real problem since 1959 when Fidel Castro took power. They nearly brought us to the brink of nuclear war with Russia in 1962 and it appears that China wants a repeat of that scenario. Unfortunately, terrible leadership from both Obama and Biden has led us to this point. They both tried to improve relations with Havana despite outcries from the Cuban community in Florida and Republicans. Travel restrictions were eased and talks with the Cubans resumed after having gone silent for years. China has actively courted and had deep ties with Cuba for decades, mostly to ensure that any thawing in relations was still tilted in China's favor. It appears they were allowed to build a spy network in Bejucal, Cuba as a result of being offered a few billion dollars. There is open source reporting that China has operated at least three facilities in Cuba for more than a decade, in Lourdes, Bejucal and Santiago de Cuba. They have upgraded these sites several times over the years, most recently in 2021. I have no doubt that the "Havana Syndrome" incidents, where our diplomats in Cuba received neurological damage from some sort of high frequency device was done by China. I also have no doubt that Cuban spies live freely in Florida and that this spy station soaks up every bit of military chatter coming out of Florida which is littered with bases from all branches, including CENTCOM and Space Force. I'm sure they have special interest in that as well as our Global Hawk and Reaper drone command center and all naval operations. China has been on a war-footing for some time, with Xi creating a War Cabinet and telling the military to be prepared for war. It's coming and we couldn't be any more weak than we currently are.
I'm one hundred percent convinced that Joe Biden has been blackmailed on several fronts because his actions or inactions are so out-of-character from any previous administration that they scream to be looked deeply into. I think he knows how screwed he is with the bribery allegations coming from Congress in regards to Burisma and that he is on recorded tape of some kind, caught in the act of being bribed. The FBI has all but confirmed this, though they sat on the evidence for years. We know he and his son took $5 million each from Burisma to get the special prosecutor looking into corruption allegations fired and there is a chance that the war in Ukraine was allowed to happen to cover this up. He can now tell Zelenskiy, I saved you, gave you hundreds of billions in weapons, intelligence and training, now please kill this Burisma exec for me and make these allegations go away. For all we know, he is dead already. With China, his appeasement doesn't border on treason, it is treason. He has allowed them to take over essentially, while doing everything he can to hurt America. His current agenda has hurt our military, hurt our energy independence, destroyed our border, hurt our economy, weakened us socially and is ripping us apart politically. He's spent more time calling every day Americans the biggest threat to democracy and has turned our law enforcement agencies against his political enemies. He's done just one single thing to stick it in China's eye and every time he's done it, his people walk his comments back, but to me it is the clearest indication of his regret for putting himself in the position to be bribed and possibly sent to prison for treason. He's said, at least twice, that the US will come to Taiwan's aid militarily if they are attacked. Man, does this piss the Chinese off, but over here it is passed off as senility and his handlers step in to say our position on Taiwan hasn't changed, we believe in a One-China policy. Relations with China are as poor as they could be, but that is a result of the bribery. Biden can't bring himself to rebuke China in fear that they let the cat out of the bag that they too bribed him, so they are allowed to do as they please. You can bet, the Chinese are nervous as hell that Biden will lose the election. Look for an unparalled level of election fraud that will plunge our country into chaos because there is no way Americans would ever put Biden back in office after the horrible job he's done. No way in hell. He will leave office having decimated this country at the behest of China, leaving us terribly vulnerable. In my scenario, which may sound conspiratorial to you, this also makes complete sense how Biden has gone after Donald Trump, who the Chinese fear. He can appease both the socialists, who really run the government, and the Chinese by taking Trump down, despite the fact he is risking civil war and the complete destruction of freedom and democracy. We are at a crossroads and if war comes it will be just before the new American president can get his feet under him. One thing you can bet, is that Biden's compound will not be struck by Chinese missiles. He's far too valuable to China as a puppet.
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