If you've never had a profound moment of being shaken to your core, you're really missing something. For many, I suppose, it could be a religious experience or a form of enlightenment. For me, it was a combination of enlightenment, fear, fear of missing out, and confirmation. I'm super late to the party when it comes to a man named, Steven Greer and what he has done with his CE5 protocols. He's been doing it and talking about it for 30 years and I just never knew until recently. I had heard of him before and seen him on several programs about UFO's, but had not looked into his background. I had a post a couple of months ago where I shared by belief in aliens. I have glommed onto the idea that aliens have been on earth from man's earliest beginnings and may have had a hand in our development about 12,000 years ago. To some, this will make me a loony tune, and I'm fine with that. This theory isn't mine, but many aspects of alien astronaut theory do make sense and seem to fill in some glaring holes in the history of man. One thing I am convinced of is that the scientific views I was taught as a kid do not always hold up to the scrutiny of more recent discoveries. The world of archeology, paleontology and others in the field of study in ancient man, is one of arrogance and rigid beliefs and anything or anyone going outside of this orthodoxy is a heretic. Enough new thought and questions has led me to believe their timelines and assumptions are sometimes off. This is just a distraction from my profound moment, but it is the backdrop to it.
I was watching a documentary on Amazon Prime called, Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact Has Begun. It was a pretty in depth look at what Dr Greer has been doing with a lot of background into the theory behind his work. A close encounter of the fifth kind is where you actually have interaction with an extraterrestrial, as compared to just being a witness to an event. It took about half the show to get to where he admits to having made contact with aliens and backs it up with a ton of video evidence. I was blown away by this and he's been doing it for three decades. Not only has he done it, but he's always bringing groups of 20 or 30 with him and these people have gone on to do it themselves with their own groups, all backed up with evidence. The lead up to this revelation is about how it is done, but he does it in a roundabout way that doesn't tell you he's done it himself until he drops it on you. I sat there, mouth agape, saying, no way, no way. I think for me, it was this confirmation that they do exist combined with coming to grips with the fact that we only have a concept of space in terms of the linear and to truly grasp how space travel works from such vast distances, you have to dive into a heavy conversation on a consciousness that most people have never nor will ever reach. This existential leap is something that during sci-fi movies I would always get bored with because things really had to slow down in order to convey, even in the slightest bit, that the infinite dimensions of space and the phenomenon we can only read and dream about have effects that could transcend our thinking and understanding. So that's pretty heavy, but I would say this, in order to reach beyond our galaxy, the kind of propulsion and knowledge necessary as we know them, must be something almost unimaginable. Extraterrestrials making this journey, have to be anywhere from 10,000 years to maybe millions or even billions of years further advanced than us. Greer's theory, and it does make sense, is that in order to communicate across vast distances would require a level of consciousness much greater than we know, that the mind is one with the universe and that to travel that distance would also require an understanding that time and space are not linear, but just points within that one mind and space. In other words, singularity. Worm holes are possible and so is zero point and anti-gravitational energy, it would and does require interdimensions or transdimensions. It's quite cool, actually. So we can communicate, but we can't travel, except in our minds. Our technology as far as the vessel required, is not there. Perhaps we have acquired it through downed alien craft, but it isn't being shared. It's too valuable. As the truth about aliens comes to light, I think we will find that we have sent people to other galaxies and we know far more than we let on about everything. For now, in the minds of the average person, this will seem impossible and not believable.
Through this existential thought, I stumbled upon something by accident, or maybe in the scope of this new knowledge, was allowed to find it. This isn't really theory, but has been proven already by a Russian scientist named Nikolai Kozyrev. He experimented with concave mirrors, of all things. He made several versions, one where the whole body could go inside and others that we fashioned as helmets. He also used aluminum, as it was a good conductor. Concave mirrors have been said to illicit altered states of mind for a long time and the experiments not only proved astounding results, but they were immediate. In fact, the first participants felt a great amount of fear the closer they got the mirrors and they gave off a brilliant light. One study they did in the 1980's included over 5,000 participants in 12 countries and they had subjects think about certain symbols and then projected them to other people very far distances apart, thousands of miles, and with a 95% accuracy rate, the subject far away were able to draw the symbols. Areas of the brain not normally accessed showed signs of activity that always consisted of islands of energy in connected patterns. This became known as Kozyrev mirrors and unsurprisingly, during the experiments, UFO's were seen flying over the buildings involved, as if this dip into the cosmic ether was a clarion call to them. Not only could symbols be sent telepathically, but the subject reported visions of the past, not their past, but earth's past and even the future. Many saw Sumerian symbols and hieroglyphics as well. An interesting hypothesis was presented by the Russians that possibly ancient people were using this technology as well and did it in the form of hats or helmets as well because of all the deformed skulls that have been found. Suggesting that priests and leaders used the helmets frequently to see the future and communicate beyond our consciousness. Many elongated helmets of Egyptians and Sumerians have been depicted in statues and drawings. I found that idea fascinating. Another fascinating idea is that for this to work at its best, the earth's magnetic and even gravitational fields need to be negated. This is why they chose to do the experiments in the far northern reaches of the Soviet Union, where the magnetic field is weakest. Apparently, this opens up the solar and galactic information realms to be better utilized. Kozyrev did reproducible experiments where he proved the existence of a torsional energy field, which he called the flow of time. Information travels faster than light here and the past, present and future exist all at the same time, or in other words, singularity. It is how extraterrestrials are able to travel from point to point. Einstein called this flow of time, zero point energy and it really does exist. Now that is astounding, mind blowing and fucking incredible all at the same time. So just below our linear reality exists a locale where time and space are one and also have no relevance any longer. The fact that we live on a planet with a strong magnetic field means even with an altered state of consciousness, we may miss that this even exists, at least to the point of being able to leave our reality for other locations. It's like being able to see, but not move. It might actually explain why people who have come back to life claim to have seen God or Jesus. It is what they were thinking about as they died, their life after death, which if you have a god, may be what you were thinking about. Being outside your body, seeing things, hearing them, but you were lying on a gurney in the other room. The cool thing is, you can go to Home Depot and build a Kozyrev mirror for less than $100. Two other Russian scientists have done a ton of research on Kozyrev's idea and found more astounding results. They have come up with some conclusions.
1) our planet’s electromagnetic field is actually the “veil” which filters time and place down to our everyday Newtonian reality — enabling us to have the human experience of linear time,
2) in the absence of an electromagnetic field, we have access to an energy field of “instantaneous locality” that underlies our reality,
3) that the limiting effect of the electromagnetic field on an individual is moderated by the amount of solar electromagnetic activity occurring while that person was in utero, and
4) that once a person has accessed these states, his or her consciousness remains so enhanced.
Greer's ideas came from a near death experience as a teenager, where he has a contact event after basically dying and crossing into a consciousness he would not have had if he wasn't on the edge of death. After he recovered, he was so sure of his experience as real that he understood that his conscious mind could connect him to anything. He didn't need Kozyrev's mirror, which makes him unique, but in the above conclusion, once you've accessed these states, you are enhanced. He's also been able to teach anyone to do it, which gives me great hope. The CIA has been doing remote viewing operations for decades and there have been scientific studies done using the conscious mind to alter outcomes. One study about our collective consciousness as a planet, using random number generators, was done during large scale tragedies and the collective thoughts of the world spiked dramatically right before and during the attacks on 9/11. Greer uses meditation and the collective consciousness of his group to actually reach out to any alien craft, no matter where they are in the reaches of space, and invite them to come show themselves. They do and these events have been caught on film over and over. In fact, not only do their craft show up, but they also appear and even speak to the participants. Their appearance, from the craft to the beings themselves is not always as plain as you'd want, but sometimes in a transdimensional form, where they come in and out of dimensions and can appear as apparitions almost or blurs. This proves, if your skeptical mind allows, proves that space travel is interdimensional and point to point as well as on a conscious level we can achieve, but only through great effort. They do it effortlessly as they have learned this practice and done it all their lives. It is why they communicate through telepathy and Greer contends that they have probably been waiting for a long time to actually communicate with us. All communication has been benign, no threats, many questions answered and even one event where someone's deafness was cured...because he asked them to fix it. The participants are left changed forever with a deeper meaning of our role in the universe. He said that they have never not had a contact event happen in all the time he's been doing it. For me, to see alien craft and then possibly speak with one, would be the most unbelievable experience of my life. Think about that for a second.....
I completely understand your skepticism and I also have many questions. Greer maintains he has been threatened many times by our military industrial complex over doing this and he has brought their wrath upon him because he also has worked hard at bringing their unchecked power to heal by providing an outlet for whistleblowers. At one point he was involved at a surface level in our country's alien programs and used to brief congressman, committees, the CIA and even presidents, but found out that none of these people were allowed access to the real information. That, in fact, a shadow government, funded illegally, with no oversight, was running the entire operation and has done so since the 1960's. If you can recall Dwight Eisenhower's speech as he left office in 1961, was to never trust the military industrial complex, but they did take over, perhaps because of the deep distrust in JFK and the void he left upon his death. It is the same reason why our current batch of whistleblowers, like David Grusch, are taking their claims to Capitol Hill. Unchecked power in the hands of very few with gobs of money at their disposal. Greer also says that our advances in technology have stalled because of these people. When you consider the internal combustion engine is a 1930s invention, the jet engine a 1940's concept and rockets, a 1950's technology, it might be hard to argue with him. We still use all of those today and it's probably to protect the oil industry. This suppression of technology can only make us look like Neanderthals to any extraterrestrial who has crossed interdimensional space to get here. It is the main reason why we are not ready. We are not peaceful and we are still at the point where we might be an existential threat for our capacity to destroy ourselves and our planet. Meanwhile, the aliens wait for us, but through Greer's exploits, and you may need a long time to get used to the concept, he has perhaps given us some hope that we can achieve singularity and boldly go where no man has gone before.
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