In case you haven't been paying attention, and God knows most Americans aren't, the subject of aliens has come up a lot in the last couple of years. I do actually mean extraterrestrial beings, not the illegal immigrant kind. Our government has become more open about UFO's and videos of unknown craft taken by US military planes have been released recently. Some information has been declassified thanks to FOIA requests and just a general softening on the existence of aliens seems to be taking place. It could be a prelude to something.
I'll admit, I've always thought they were among us or had been here before, I've even entertained the idea that we all have alien DNA inside us. I realize that opens me up to mockery by those that refuse to believe until they see a living or dead alien in their presence. I even agree that that may be the only way to actually convince most people and I'm ok with that. Skepticism is healthy. I think there is so much circumstantial evidence that it is no longer deniable and if this attached story doesn't persuade you that something is afoot, then you can just stop reading and go on about your mundane life. Congress doubles down on explosive claims of illegal UFO retrieval programs | The Hill
What's so stunning about this article is that it got so little attention and that what it claims is going on is not only something that any of you can look up for yourself to see it really happened, but more importantly, it all but verifies that we do, in fact, have alien craft in our possession. Most people would rather watch Tik Tok videos and dumb themselves down than realize what this article actually says.
I'm going to try to break my thoughts down here because I take exception with some of what they are doing. First, "credible and urgent" are the words they use to describe the information that secret, off-the-books UFO retrieval and reverse-engineering programs are going on by governmental agencies as well as private businesses. That is stunning, yet something every UFO believer and conspiracy nut has already believed forever. It wasn't given the time-of-day by the government until now, so this is huge. This information was gleaned from a whistleblower, named David Grusch, a former US Air Force officer, who has come forward with evidence of crashed alien craft and alien bodies. We find out that the Inspector General of the intelligence community has already deposed other high level intelligence officers in secret hearings who have corroborated his story. Ok, think about that for a minute. People with no reason to destroy their own credibility, no reason to want to hurt their career and could simply remain silent, have come forward and their information is corroborated by others. The government was in the middle of criminal investigations into some entities or people involved in alien craft retrieval and due to the explosive nature of this discovery, we now know about it. It's implausible that this is a black flag operation because we wouldn't have known about it, so no need to distract from the unknown. No, this is real and congress has decided to step into the middle of it.
The fact that the government we can all see and monitor wants to make laws restricting the government we can't see is also big, since this kind of stuff was laughed off since 1947. NASA has said for years that there is no evidence of aliens, yet if you've ever seen some of the videos from the International Space Station and even from shuttle cameras, it is hard to deny that things in space that have come into view of the cameras are not from earth before the feed is cut off inexplicably. Even former astronauts, like Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell, emphatically state that aliens do exist. Congress's actions in this article creates a huge problem for me and probably a lot of people who tacitly believe in alien existence. I don't want the secret funding and research to stop. I'd rather that we keep our secrets and exploit them. The know-it-alls in congress are not reliable enough to not allow this to all be stolen by our adversaries and it's pretty obvious that society isn't ready for the truth to come out. Now, the cynics will say this is all a lie to cover up something else and lead people astray and I'm also not naive enough to think that alien craft or the beings themselves have only crashed in the United States. Very unlikely, but still, there are no secrets in Washington D.C. and it seems to me to be a double-edged sword. It does sound like criminal investigations into some of this are underway, according to the article, so the government has a choice to make as to how and when this stuff is admitted. Here is an interview with the journalist who interviewed Mr. Grusch.
Journalist: More witnesses with UFO claims emerge since Grusch interview (newsnationnow.com)
We have a ton of video evidence of alien craft that after much scrutiny, cannot be denied. Credible witnesses, like Air Force pilots and sailors on ships in the ocean. In the video above, you can see the orb caught by a drone in Iraq, which falls under the UAP category. It is of unknown origin and no one on earth possesses this kind of technology. Just after the Chinese spy balloon incident, several aerial objects were shot from the sky by US aircraft, yet none of them was ever recovered, at least from what we are told. The military was asked if they were of alien origin and it was never denied nor confirmed. The problem has always been and will always be, all the fakes people have come up with to mock and ridicule the whole notion of aliens, make it seem all implausible. Yet, with evidence mounting and witnesses coming forward a new era may be dawning. Government being government, a new office has been created and now fully funded to look into the UAP sightings around the country. It has a funny name, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office. It comes from funding in the Defense Authorization Act FY24. All of this seems to point to things going in the right direction, but if you believe there has always been a shadow government, then it probably makes perfect sense that some things we know will never see the light of day from a national security standpoint. It almost seems like we are in a vicious cycle of repeating the past. The more the people learn, the more the intelligence community will try to deny. I'm sure there are plenty of spooks and others that definitely don't want the truth to come out. This bill tries to give the people involved in alien research a time frame to come out with the information, under immunity, and after that it will be considered a crime. The result of this may be explosive.
The other day, an article and video interview with a Harvard professor exploring a believed meteor crash from 2014, mentioned intelligent alien life. The first ever recorded interstellar object to crash on earth, landed in the ocean off Papua New Guinea in 2014. Researchers quickly calculated that its trajectory had it coming from outside our solar system. It took NASA five years to confirm this was, in fact, the case. Apparently, the military's reason is that they want to keep their technology on this secret. Professor Avi Loeb has a team in the Pacific Ocean now looking for fragments and has found what he maintains might be alien in origin. The spherules he found are the molten droplets, perfectly round and magnetic in nature, from the object that crashed. Their material strength and density are so strong that he believes the meteor may have been a craft because they are stronger than any known space rock or iron meteor ever found by several times. An explanation could be that they were produced and not naturally formed. I found it intriguing that the first thought of a Hardvard professor was to point to the possibility that this was alien. The standard line would be something like we need to do more analysis or some other scientific hypothesis, but that isn't what he said. This object entered our atmosphere undetected and at its incredible speed, faster than 95% of all stars from its trajectory, it didn't explode until reaching our lower atmosphere. That is exceptionally uncanny. Not having proof has also been the bane of the alien story, but it sounds as if that will all change soon. Each one of us can contemplate what intelligent aliens means to humanity, but if they've been here for some time, and not harmed anyone in any real way, then the level of fear should go down. Because people will always want answers to that which they don't understand, you have to wonder what the reactions will be.
A few years ago a retired Air Force officers, named Richard Doty, came forth with a story about knowing of and having met several species of aliens on our planet already. It was pretty intriguing, yet alien enthusiasts quickly discounted his story because he was the same person who admitted his job was to misinform the UFO crowd in the 80's and 90's. Hard to believe someone who admitted to lying about virtually everything he could to mislead people, yet his identity and the job he held have been verified by several more reputable scientists. It doesn't mean he was lying, yet no reason to believe him either. Our UFO history is replete with verified stories of things that have happened since the crash in Roswell in 1947. The story of a silver, elastic or rubbery type material being brought to various scientists and others to try and pierce or damage the material by any means and not being able to even scratch it. It was indestructible. There is the story of the second craft involved in the Roswell crash that wasn't found until 1949 some distance away. Apparently, they collided, and an injured alien was found along with his dead comrades and lived under our control until he died in 1952. We were able to communicate with him and we learned where he came from and some of their intentions, which were benign. It has been said that our technology was 50,000 years behind that of this alien civilization. Of course, until this is revealed and shown to us, most won't believe, and some won't no matter what.
Our recorded history of UFO's goes back to 1942 during the Battle of LA. No, not the Netflix movie where we battle aliens, but a real battle with aliens. Air raid sirens broke the still of the night as radar picked up 15 or so objects moving at high speed towards L.A. With search lights and guns blazing, the volunteer and military defense forces fired over 1,400 rounds of anti-aircraft artillery and countless machine gun rounds. There were reports of some shots fired back in response, but when it was over, nothing had been shot down and 5 citizens were dead from car accidents and heart attacks in the pandemonium of the night. The military was quick to say the following day it was just nerves and that the Japanese had not attacked. It was, of course, just weather balloons. Unofficially, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was writing and receiving letters, as we've recently come to learn, that are filled with the words non-terrestrial and other worldly craft. A few of the pictures from that night seems to show UFO's. In 1952, in full view of thousands of people and reported worldwide, Washington DC itself was the scene of an alien encounter. There are stills and video evidence of a dozen objects appearing over the Capitol and the White House. Aircraft were scrambled, as this was restricted airspace, but none of our jets were able to get a lock on the enemy ships. They had orders to shoot them down, but the craft disappeared after doing maneuvers unlike anything seen before and disappearing at speeds unheard of. The following weekend, it happened again. In 1953, another alien craft crashed outside of Kingman, AZ. This time, the military did not repeat their mistakes of Roswell and cordoned off the area completely. People who were there, years later, said it was a saucer shaped craft about 14 feet high with lights all around it's bottom, made of some sort of metal. Come on, folks. They are real.
There have been many government programs surrounding UFO's, from Project Blue Book, to The Majestic 12, Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal and finally, the current program, AATIP, or Advanced Aerospace Threat and Identification Program. In January of 2018, the Defense Intelligence Agency sent a letter to Congress from AATIP and it was a doozy. I have a link to it here from a FOIA request. Advanced Aerospace Threat and Identification Program: a list of all DIA products produced (fas.org)
If you read this, pay attention to the list of products produced by the DIA AATIP. It includes invisibility cloaking, transversable wormholes, stargates, gravitational waves for communication, anti-gravity, warp drives, positron propulsion and a lot of other very interesting items. Astounding is my word for that list, just astounding. Soon after this letter came out, classified videos of UFO's were put out and the opening up of UFO information in general became public knowledge.
If you've never heard of the Phobos Incident, don't feel too bad. The Russians launched a pair of probes into space in 1988 to study Mars and one of its moons, Phobos. Early on, Phobos 1 was lost due to human error, but Phobos II continued on its mission. It entered orbit around Mars and sent back some very weird images in both optical and infrared. The images showed what looked like cities and in infrared the cities were lit up. It was said you wouldn't be able to distinguish the image from Mars or Los Angeles at night and the signatures seemed to be generated from below the surface. The next images showed what looked like shadows on the surface, one, cigar shaped and 20 kilometers in length. Completely inexplicable. On March 28, 1989, the final image came in before the probe suddenly stopped communicating with earth. It wasn't until 1991 that the Russians showed the world the final image and it shook the global community. It showed a 20 kilometer-long object approaching Phobos in both optical and infrared. The image was studied extensively, and it was verified to be legitimate in every way. I used it for the image for this story. There it was, something that should not have been there and whether it had anything to do with the probe losing contact, we will never know. Can you imagine a craft 20 kilometers long? In the interest of national security, I wouldn't put it past the Russians to have lied about the probe losing communications, but this may never be known either. 1991 wasn't that long ago, so I find it funny how these things fall into oblivion. Most people just file away the unexplained, while a few are disturbed by it forever.
One more interesting story that, I think, relates to the Phobos photo for you. In 2017, the first interstellar object to pass through our solar system was seen by the Haleakala Observatory. You may remember this one because it was all over the internet. It was called Oumuamua, named by its discoverers in Hawaii. The irregular trajectory of this elongated object (10 times longer than it is wide) caught the attention of scientists, who discovered that it was quite dense and made of metals of some sort. it had no dust trail, like all other meteors. The speed of this object slightly increased at it passed through our solar system around the sun and headed nearly back from where it came and its path was irregular. Many scientists, including Stephen Hawking, said it could be an alien craft. Where else did we see a very long, cigar shaped craft? Yes, Phobos II took a picture of one. These objects look rather similar, don't you think?
I'm not sure what to make of aliens on earth. They've been here for a long time and don't seem to be hurting us. I'm not sure if it's becoming impossible to hide or more are coming than usual. The way we seem to react is as if we really have no dialogue with them, but the way the governments of the world try to hide everything is as if they know we have nothing to fear as they each try to exploit what we do know. I recently read something that made it sound as if we have shared their existence with many countries and that information is flowing back and forth. I'm glad their existence is coming to light and truly hope that we just announce what we know about them. The technology we have gleaned is a separate item that can be talked about in general terms later. I want to know about why they are here, have we communicated and what we were told. If we are as far behind them as we appear to be, we don't pose a threat, but are we an experiment, and oddity or something else? If we were the first species to discover another in a far off galaxy that was way behind us, I think we would just observe too. It would be the intelligent thing to do. Upsetting their lives, causing panic and threats of violence in the name of self preservation would do nothing for their civilization and nothing for ours. We would watch and see what they know and try to find out basic things about their planet and physiology, etc. I'm sure there are bad players among them, as there are here. Maybe our science-fiction movies are not all that far off. Perhaps some have destroyed their planet and need a new one, or maybe they are just exploring like we are doing. We are used to being the masters of our domain, in fact, in the US, we are used to being more advanced than others. What would it be like to be intellectually and technologically inferior to another race? How much fear would that breed? The possibilities are endless. At some point, we are advanced enough to move on to the next form of propulsion or energy and it seems like we might be reaching this rubicon. If you compare our technology from 1700 to 1800 and then 1900 to 2000, it's pretty obvious that advances have gone much, much faster in the latter century. Is this because of alien technology or is it just a product of technological leaps? To go from the Wright Brothers to Mars in less than 100 years seems too good to be true, doesn't it? We used wooden ships with sails for hundreds and hundreds of years. From no flight until 1903 to jet aircraft in 42 years. From jet aircraft to landing on the moon in 24 years. Just something to think about.
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