The Moon has always held a place in the hearts and minds of people. It holds intrigue so much so that songs, stories, fables and myths have been written about it. It can light up the night and sometimes looks larger than life. A full moon is said to bring out the crazies and over time we've discovered just how much the Moon influences our climate and tides. The Moon might just be the perfect neighbor, but after I get done telling you some of the strange anomalies that you may have never heard about the Moon, you might want to call the police on your neighbor. All of this is verifiable and based off of science and actual events, so buckle up. The Moon holds so much intrigue because it is artificial.
Let's start with history. There are at many cultures that have stories about the time before the Moon. The Greek region of Arcadia is home to one of the earliest of the Proselenes, or those that were before the Moon, cultures. Many Greek writers, including Aristotle, Democretus and Anexagoras all talk about the Arcadians who were a people of old that talk about a time before the Moon existed in the heavens.
The Sumerians also have a tale of two brothers, Enki and Enlil, who brought the Moon into its place. They were from the sky people called the Annunaki, who were said to bring technology and knowledge to the Sumerians. This is written in their cuneiform writings. In Tiwanaku, an ancient city in modern day Bolivia, are writings on the walls of the courtyard of Kalsasaya that provide evidence that the Moon came into being at a specific time. It said the Moon arrived between 11,500 and 13,000 years ago, which directly coincides with a time called the Younger Dryas. If you follow ancient timelines, this is the time of a great cataclysm on earth. Perhaps the most intriguing of all these rather similar stories is from the ancient Zulus. They also say they were there when the Moon arrived and it was brought by two brothers of alien form. They talk about how prior to the Moon arriving, the climate of the earth was quite unstable and the planet was covered in a water vapor mist all the time. There were no seasons and this cloud of mist covered the Sun from reaching the ground. When the Moon arrived, all the water vapor fell to earth causing massive floods. Interestingly, all cultures on earth at this time have the same flood story, the Younger Dryas, where a large portion of the earth's population was wiped out by massive flooding. It was after the floods that these cultures all have stories of sky people or beings coming from the ocean and sky came and gave them technology. The Zulus said the Moon stabilized the earth, something we have only come to know in the last 100 years. How did the ancient Zulu know this? The Moon does in fact control our tides, stabilizes the earth's axis from its wobble, which in turn allows seasons and climate stability. I find it more than interesting that many ancient cultures have stories about a time before the Moon, yet we are taught it has always been there. The more inaccuracies I find in human history, the more frustrated I get at how arrogant the scientific community gets over things they cannot explain. These things are called myths and dismissed. It appears they may not have been myths after all.
Before I get into some of the strange and unexplainable anomalies about the Moon, there is no consensus on how the Moon formed. In fact, not a single one of the theories hold any water at all. Typically, there are two general ways that a satellite moon comes into orbit with a planet. Capture and accretion theory. Capture theory is where a celestial body simply wanders into the gravitational field of a planet and gets stuck there. This did not happen with the Earth and Moon for if it did, the Moon would be much further away and would not have the impossible orbit it does.
According to Isaac Asimov, an American writer and professor of biochemistry at Boston University,
It’s too big to have been captured by the Earth. The chances of such a capture having been effected and the Moon then having taken up nearly circular orbit around our Earth are too small to make such an eventuality credible.
Asimov also stated that,
We cannot help but come to the conclusion that the Moon, by rights, ought not to be there. The fact that it is, is one of those strokes of luck almost too good to accept.
Accretion is when planets and moons are created at the same time from the accretion disk of the solar system. We know this isn't the case because the earth and moon would have the same composition and make up, which couldn't be further from the truth for these two bodies. There are other theories, like impact theory and fission theory, but none of them make any sense because the Moon and Earth are too different to have come from one another. So, no theories work and no agreement has ever been made. Harvard professor Irwin Ira Shapiro stated, "The Moon is bigger than it should be, apparently older than it should be and much lighter in mass than it should be. It occupies an unlikely orbit and is so extraordinary that all explanations for its presence are fraught with difficulties and none of them could be considered remotely watertight."
On earth, the further down we dig, the older the rocks we find. This makes sense with plate techtonics and that new material has always covered older material. On the moon, this isn't the case. NASA found that the surface soil and rocks were older than the rocks underneath. The only way this could happen is if the moon was excavated. The earth is approximately 4.6 billion years old, but the rocks on the Moon are much older. In fact, they are as old as the solar system and perhaps the universe. That is beyond weird. The rocks at all impact craters we looked at were the same age, which is impossible considering how long the Moon should've been hit by meteorites throughout its existence. What's even more sensational is that all the impact craters on the Moon are the same depth no matter how big or small the crater is. This is virtually impossible and could only happen if there was a shell protecting the Moon. Our astronauts tried drilling in the craters and were unable to do so. They found processed metals like brass and pure titanium and could not penetrate it. The moon dust we tested is a completely different chemical make up than the moon rocks next to it. Stranger yet, the Moon has no magnetic field, yet every moon rock we tested was highly magnetized. This has baffled scientists since 1969. In 2008, India's lunar probe Chandrayaan-1 found rust on the Moon. Rust only forms when iron is exposed to oxygen and water. There is no oxygen on the moon and water is in trace form. The radioactive isotopes we found on the Moon are not found naturally on earth and could only be created through nuclear fission, like Uranium-237 and Neptunium-236. The common elements found, like titanium, zirconium and chromium are in large abundance on the Moon yet are rare earth minerals here. Moon rocks were found to have 10 times more titanium than rocks on Earth, which has never been seen anywhere else in the universe, blowing the minds of geologists. The Moon also has a more dense surface than its core. What's so weird about this is that this is the only celestial body we've ever found that this is the case. No where, in the studied universe, do we see this. The Moon's perfectly round orbit around the Earth is also the only known perfect orbit in the known universe and to top that off, the fact that the Moon doesn't rotate, but keeps just one side of its surface facing Earth at all times is also the only known body to do that. Like it was made to do this... The Moon is also about 1/4 the size of Earth, which is the largest moon of any planet in our solar system or anywhere we've ever seen. Finally, one other oddity of impossibility, the Earth's distance to the Sun is 400 times our distance to the Moon. The size of the Sun is 400 times that of the Moon. It creates a near perfect condition for an eclipse as the Moon and Sun are the same size to us at that distance. No where else in the universe does this happen. The idea that the Moon would be at its highest and brightest point in mid winter when the Sun is at its lowest and weakest and the reverse occurs in mid-summer is too good to be true. In fact, if you divide the circumference of the Sun by that of the Moon and multiply it by 100 you get the polar circumference of the Earth. The measurements are so precise between the Earth, Moon and Sun that any differentiation would make the relationship untenable. It's stunning when you consider all the ancient people who followed the stars and based their lives and culture on the solstices and equinoxes.
During the Apollo missions to the Moon, we discovered things we were unprepared for. There has been much written about the non-human structures we found on the Moon, so I won't get in depth into it, but all manned missions found extraterrestrial life and buildings on the Moon. There are many recordings of the astronauts talking to mission control about this and some of the structures have been seen from Earth. NASA accidentally released a picture that can no longer be found anywhere, but it shows structures with height and depth. There is so much more going on there that I hope one day we find out the truth. One other story that I think is prescient and I had heard this through other sources, but never had a name to go with it until now, is the comments of Colonel Ross Dedrickson, who was responsible for maintaining the nuclear weapon stockpile for the United States in the late 50's and early 60's. He said, shortly before he died, that the US tried to detonate a nuclear warhead on the Moon for testing and scientific purposes and that extraterrestrials stopped us from doing so by destroying the warhead in flight.
Clouds of water vapor were seen on the Moon in 1971. They covered an area of 100 square miles and lasted for 14 hours before dissipating. This should be impossible because there is no atmosphere on the Moon, yet for 14 hours there was. Six different scientists over a 100 year period have seen water vapor on the Moon all coming from the same crater. Lights have been seen on the moon from both astronauts and viewers on earth, none of which have ever been explained, including the Blue Gem. This has been a blue light seen coming from the same crater for many years with speculation that the light is a reactor of some kind and the water vapor a venting of some sort.
During Apollo 12 we placed seismic sensors on the surface of the Moon to try to learn anything we could about the interior of the Moon. We crashed the lunar lander into the surface on purpose and the Moon rang like a bell for more than an hour. This stunned the scientists. This should not happen. During the Apollo 13 mission we crashed a larger object and the Moon rang for more than three hours. Not only that, but it rang 20 miles deep and the sound got louder rather than softer the deeper it went. The only conclusion was that the Moon was hollow or had many hollow cavities. Ken Johnson, former supervisor of the data and photo control department at NASA during the Apollo program said," the Moon not only rang out but the whole satellite(Moon) wobbled in such a precise way that it was almost as though it had gigantic hydraulic damper struts inside it."
In 1962 Gordon MacDonald, a NASA scientist, published a study that stated, “Indeed, it would seem that the Moon is more like a hollow than a homogeneous sphere.”
According to Sean C. Solomon, the director of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University stated, "The Lunar Orbiter experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the Moon’s gravitational field… indicating the frightening possibility that the Moon might be hollow.”
In 1970, two Russian scientists actually proposed that not only was the Moon hollow, but that it was a spaceship that had been placed there by aliens. Of course, that theory sounds crazy, but no other theory makes as much sense as this. Many, many other reputable scientists agree.
It’s easier to explain the non-existence for the Moon, than its existence – NASA scientist Robin Brett
The moon is too perfect of a neighbor, being in exactly the right place to allow life to prosper on this planet. Alien lore is overflowing with information that aliens may have created us, nurtured us and are very afraid of our propensity to destroy ourselves and our planet. I doubt their influence is completely altruistic, but if you subscribe to the theory, which has been proven by study that all existence is one consciousness, then maybe they do have our best interests at heart. None of that far-out deep thought takes away from the fact that the moon cannot be explained by science and literally should not exist. The sheer weight and volume of anomalies and unexplainable facts about the Moon create more than enough doubt to leave you pondering your existence too. Since we have barely begun to conquer space and the solar system, many naysayers will convince you that all of what I stated is just ridiculous. Yet, when many ancient cultures from across the globe speak about a time before the moon, you cannot discount the idea. I leave you with the question, what if?
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