The Central Planning Committee of the Biden Administration chose to use the post-Covid inflation nightmare that they created to push the wet dream of the climate change crowd upon the American people. They did everything they could to raise the price of oil, pushing the price of gasoline into the $5 to $8 per gallon range, crushing the middle class and causing an eruption of acrimony among the public. I'm not sure how much the surge in oil was a planned event as they tried to blame Putin, but it would only take a middle school education to know that restricting the supply would raise prices. During this period, stickers began popping up on gas station pumps all across the country of Joe saying, "I did that!" Instead of pumping more oil, they had already stopped several pipeline projects and restricted drilling leases, they stupidly drained our strategic petroleum reserves and then begged OPEC to pump more oil. OPEC rammed their middle finger right up Joe's ass and have since joined forces with Russia and China and began reconciliation with Iran. During this utter failure of leadership, the White House took the opportunity to use their own middle finger when they placed it in the face of every American and said we needed to get used to the high price of gasoline as we transition to electric vehicles.
“[When] it comes to the gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over,” - Joe Biden May 22, 2023
Biden was asked about the soaring prices at the pump, with the national average at $4.59/gallon and all he could do was gush about his "incredible transition" he had created. His brain surgeon of a press secretary mouthed this golden trope when asked why we just don't drill more in the US,
"Because we don't need to do that," Jean-Pierre responded. "What we need [oil companies] to do is, with the oil that's out there, we need them to refine that oil so that the capacity can go up and that prices would go down." Karine Jean Pierre
Just a complete lack of understanding how markets or capitalism works and we also got the usual blaming the oil companies for gouging people. Nevertheless, despite the lack of brains or the truth, Central Planning had come out with a new executive order, that America must transition to electric and by 2030, 50% of all cars sold in America had to be electric and in the occupied territories, like California, gasoline vehicles were to be banned altogether by 2035. Stalin and Mao would be so proud. Government stepping in and controlling free markets has always been a total disaster. This socialist decree didn't survive long. About 8 months as Central Planning has had to walk back the mandate. Despite the screaming from the environmental whackos, everyone else is breathing a sigh of relief. The Big Three has lost many billions in the last two years. Ford admitted to a $30,000 per EV loss and both GM and Ford have had to buy out 50% of their dealers who refused to transition. Our lead geriatric has already wasted about $15.5 billion of your dollars on this junket and had planned on a ten year, $174 billion bleeding of tax dollars on EV infrastructure. The one thing they always fail to mention is that China owns the world's supply of rare minerals needed for EV batteries and other components. We'd be slitting our own throat and enriching China to the point that we'd die on the vine. They would control everything, so good luck having the materials to create better weapons and technology. I've personally thought for some time that if we stopped all electric vehicle production and abandoned it, we might bankrupt China as they've staked their future on the global warming lie that they've helped perpetuate for 30 years now.
EV's have always been a horrible idea on a large scale and the problem is 1000% percent worse in America than anywhere else in the world. We all know the problems with electric, so no need to go down that road, but praise goes to the American people who don't want EV's and won't buy them. I thought it was funny that the day Biden announced a $10,000 tax break for buying an EV, that Ford and GM raised the price of their EV's by $10,000. Now, a year later, dealers are slashing prices because no one wants them. The secondary market for a used EV is junk bond rated garbage and just today several global warming cultist, woke companies announced the end to their EV programs, like Apple. Rivian and Fiskers stock values have crashed and Tesla is revamping its line-up. EV's have burned to the ground, chargers don't work, the range is reduced, if not unreliable and we all read the story of how charging lots in Chicago were full of abandoned EV's this winter. Many states are now charging extra, like $300 extra, just to license an electric vehicle and the cost of insurance is outrageous, not to mention their weight and destruction to our roads and dangers upon being in an accident. The cost of electricity has skyrocketed and it isn't going down ever again. The reliance on inefficient sources of energy that the power companies have committed to, like wind and solar, all but guarantee an ever-increasing cost. Last year a study was done showing that EV's cost more to operate than a gas-powered car. I've never cared if someone wants one, go for it, but to mandate it is unAmerican and simply stupid. The limitations of electric batteries aside, the electric grid cannot handle it and the cost in infrastructure spending needed to do what they wanted would cost more money than the entire world's economies could raise in 5 years. There is no reason to do it, ever. There are better alternatives.
In Wyoming, legislation has been drafted to ban EV sales by 2036 in an effort to support the oil and gas industry. In a way, I wish things weren't so partisan because the whole idea of transitioning, if you look at it rationally, is an easy answer. No. The worst policies always come from Democrats who time after time want to mandate and control your life. They really hate the Constitution and capitalism and have no idea how to run an economy or a country. Forcing us to change light bulbs and take away gas stoves and leaf blowers just pisses everyone off. Energy companies have monopolies and know that you have to pay their prices, so they love the idea of destroying your freedom to choose a cheaper more efficient form of energy. I'd love to build a competing source of power that they couldn't interfere with, but they have every Democrat in their corner, who also don't care what you have to pay. Cheaper, abundant energy sources that aren't affected by snow, wind or ice will always be the preference. We don't support our enemies by pumping our own oil and digging our own coal. We have more natural gas than anyone and yet, desecrating our land with monstrous wind mills and solar panel farms, built exclusively in China, is what our politicians choose. We spend no money on upgrading our power grid, or on nuclear power. In my industry, trucking, some companies have looked into electric, but the power companies will tell you, we couldn't supply you with the kind of power you will need for at least two years and by then, you'll need more than we anticipated today. The cold weather will literally rule out anyone in the north from seriously considering electric. When Hurricane Sandy hit the east coast, many were without power for 12 days. How could you operate a fleet of electric trucks under those conditions?
No, electric is a bad idea on a national level no matter how you look at it. There will be a place for it, but not for most Americans. Inner city busing and some school busing makes sense. People with lots of money to spend and small commutes can make it work, but I will never own one and if I did, I'd have a gas-powered car as well. Hydrogen and hybrids will be the choice of most people. Hydrogen will take off in the next two years as electric flounders and other than it's common with electric problem; lack of infrastructure, it beats electric in every other way.
Revealed: how US transition to electric cars threatens environmental havoc | US news | The Guardian
This article is a little old, but it really frightens me. Here is a quote that says a lot about how the unelected environmental nut jobs at the UN and Inter Governmental Panel of Climate Change think. This is socialism at work.
The US's transition to electric vehicles could require three times as much lithium as is currently produced for the entire global market, causing needless water shortages, Indigenous land grabs, and ecosystem destruction inside and outside its borders, new research finds.
It warns that unless the US’s dependence on cars in towns and cities falls drastically, the transition to lithium battery-powered electric vehicles by 2050 will deepen global environmental and social inequalities linked to mining – and may even jeopardize the 1.5C global heating target.
But ambitious policies investing in mass transit, walkable towns and cities, and robust battery recycling in the US would slash the amount of extra lithium required in 2050 by more than 90%.
These pukes want to control where you live, what you drive, eat and how many children you have. You will be forced to live in smart cities. Your money is to be redistributed to foreign places to battle the hidden and fictitious enemy of climate change. They only thing in this entire quote that has a grain of truth or common sense to it is, in fact, that the environment is actually at risk through mining the rare earth minerals necessary to make EV batteries. Everything these socialists want has costs that are really unacceptable, both monetary and health risks. More reason to abandon electric vehicles. Every vote for a Democrat gets us closer and closer to the complete dissolving of America. A giant kudos to Wyoming for having the strength to stand up to the socialist's agenda. Electric vehicles are just a component of the global warming cultists strategy of ending fossil fuels. Americans have had a taste of EV's and so far they spit out the bitter poison. Let's hope this backing off of EV's is permanent.
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