Do you remember the Joe Biden speech, where his backdrop was an ominous red lit wall with Marines dressed in their dress blues silhouetted in the background, looking like Imperial Guards standing behind him? He ranted, reminiscent of speeches you'd see of Hitler in WWII films. He spit out that the biggest threat to Democracy was right wing MAGA supporters. The speech was roundly mocked, but it was a purposeful and choreographed event by the Democrats. They really wanted everyone to know that their weaponized DOJ was coming for anyone not voting the right way. More importantly to me, was the venomous propaganda it represented. A true threat to Democracy in and of itself. It was the first overt threat of the coming totalitarianism that today's Democrat Party is plotting. Most other attacks on you and America have been veiled, for the most part, but this was alarming in its use of the shrouded military figures in the background and the red lighting, like red alert on a ship or sub in combat. Its effects can be seen all throughout our society.
The actual message was complete shit, however. An over-the-top lie about half of America. Clear lines were drawn though. In the preceding months, it has proven itself as utter garbage, but the inverse appears to be coming true. Two recent mass shooters have both been transgender nut jobs, using assault rifles to kill or try to kill those that they hated. Audrey Hale, the transgender Nashville shooter that the DOJ and Biden Administration did everything they could to cover up the evidence on, went to a church school and killed children and teachers that had once taught her. The eunuchs in the press did their best to not report the true story and her manifesto only came to light after a good Samaritan leaked it out. Now, a new transgender shooter has come to light. Not that you heard about the story very much, as the left wing media has suppressed this story too. A woman, who was born as a man, with a lengthy criminal record , walked into Joel Osteen's mega church in Houston and opened fire. The only one to die was the shooter, who was killed by off duty police officers who responded. a parishioner and the shooter's 7-year old son were wounded. The woman had "Palestine" written on her AR-15. I read a story on CNN, that had many details and quotes from witnesses and the police. Not once did the story mention that 36 year old Genesse Moreno, also went by the name, Jeffrey Escalante Moreno. An immigrant from El Salvador, who had a history of assaulting police and forgery. There is some confusion as to whether Moreno was born male or female, with one story claiming she was the biological mother to the child and others stating she was once a man. However, none of that takes away that she was a troubled person who has taken the radicalization, of speeches like the one Biden driveled out, to heart. Antisemitic writings were found in the car she drove to the scene. The transgender community is very small and for it to have two shooters within months is quite remarkable. For them both to be radicalized left wingers is not.
The streets of America have been full of the hate from the left lately. Hatred for Jews, hatred for conservatives and Christians, it's just the norm now. Try listening to MSNBC or CNN during prime time. I mean, you'd be wasting your evening, but you'd be enlightened to a hate you can't hear on television anywhere else. These people are truly sick in the head and their hatred for Trump, Israel, Christians and Republicans is so palpable that it borders on hate speech. They espouse their own fears what a world run by anyone but them would be like. I get quite a laugh listening to their lunacy, but the fact that some of their viewers are consuming this venom and then going out in society embodying this hate should scare you. I watch and listen to a lot of media and there is no hate on conservative outlets. None. Insane lefties claim there is and when they hear something they can't stand, they claim they've been attacked or violated, but it's delusional. Consider all of the crazy conditions you had never heard of prior to Trump being elected. Remember all the left wingers that needed safe spaces and comfort animals, or that now famous meme of an utter idiot crying out in anguish when Trump won, or spirit murder and crazy shit like that. You could easily lump it into a condition that has been coined as TDS or Trump Derangement Syndrome, but that's conservatives trying to make light of something they don't fully understand. I've made this comment before and I'll make it again. Lefties are driven by emotion, so much so, that they're blind to their own hypocrisy, blind to their hate and blind to their penchant for violence. They deny their own actions all the time and project it upon their opponents every day. They believe they are the righteous ones and therefore when they call for action against something or someone they despise, the ends justify the means. See burning, looting, assault and murder during the riots of 2020, were called peaceful protests. They bailed the rioters out who burned down and took over the Minneapolis police precinct. The actual thoughts that went through the Democrat Mayor's and Democrat Governor's minds were to let them do it because their outrage was righteous. In any other Democracy in the world, those in charge of that utter embarrassment would've been removed from office and be in prison today for a dereliction of duty so egregious that it would reach contempt and treason upon the citizens of their city and state. Not in this country when led by progressive, left wingers. Nope, it was celebrated with a tacit approval.
A Pew study in 2020, which polled white liberals, moderates and conservatives, found that liberals and those calling themselves very liberal suffered from mental illness at disproportional levels to all others. Especially white women 18-29 years-old. A staggering 56.3% were diagnosed with mental health issues by experts as compared to only 27.3% of conservatives. Pew Study: White Liberals Disproportionately Suffer From Mental Illness. - WIBC 93.1 FM.
This shocks no one, except the deniers. When your leaders have preached for years that you are an aggrieved person and it's those horrible conservatives, led by their devil of a leader, Donald Trump, that hate you and don't want you to be happy or have rights like everyone else, why would anyone expect anything but hate to come from these people? Words like threat and the enemy and racist and homophobe leads these mentally disturbed people to seek redress by any means possible. When clear crimes like murder, assault, property destruction and theft are left without consequences, then you have violence. I have no doubt that if Trump wins there will be attempts on his life and instead of shock and rage and sadness, like when JFK was killed or Reagan was shot, you will have joy. That joy will have sprouted from 8 years of the seeds of hate spread by Joe Biden and virtually every elected Democrat and pundit on television. It will be the culmination of their desires since 2016 and the world and America will be irrevocably damaged, but you won't hear any regret or conciliation. I can hear the pathetic attempts at justification now. He deserved it. He was so full of hate. Live by the sword, die by the sword. None of them will blame themselves, even in the face of irrefutable evidence that the killer or killers were driven by their words, their direction, their anger. The real threat to democracy is today's progressive, socialism and liberalism in all its forms.
P.S. - As a side note, but related story to these thoughts, I stumbled upon a story that blew my mind about just how misguided the left really is. The link is here. How Experts Overlooked Left-Wing Authoritarianism - The Atlantic
You can read this at your leisure, but here is just one quote that left me bewildered.
Donald Trump’s rise to power generated a flood of media coverage and academic research on authoritarianism—or at least the kind of authoritarianism that exists on the political right. Over the past several years, some researchers have theorized that Trump couldn’t have won in 2016 without support from Americans who deplore political compromise and want leaders to rule with a strong hand. Although right-wing authoritarianism is well documented, social psychologists do not all agree that a leftist version even exists.
You've got to be fucking insane if you don't think totalitarianism exists on the left. They invented it. Did Stalin and Mao just practice civility? This is where the delusion of the left really is evident. State control that tries to eliminate its opposition and denies it's citizens individual rights and freedoms with tons and tons of social engineering done by a ubiquitous propaganda machine and death or imprisonment for noncompliance dealt out by police or quasi-military groups. The killing hasn't started here yet, but Biden and all of the left's minions out there are trying to indict, sue and destroy Trump through the weaponization of the DOJ, FBI, state AG's and crooked judges and citizens. This is China today, Germany, Italy and Russia in the past and the dream of liberals in this country now. The left has always been enamored with totalitarian dictators. The White House Christmas tree during the Obama years had ornaments glorifying Mao and he used the imagery of Stalin and the Communist Party for his own campaign signs. Biden got his start in politics with the support of the Communist Party and they all love Castro, Che and Chavez.
Donald Trump never once advocated nor attempted to pursue any form of totalitarian control, yet Joe Biden and Obama's terms were replete with it. Spying on citizens, labeling parents as domestic terrorists, jailing journalists, censoring speech on social media, mandating certain light bulbs, requiring the Covid shot or lose your job and be punished, making gas unaffordable in order to usher in electric vehicles, banning coal plants, banning gas stoves, banning gas powered lawn mowers and weed whips and they even want to take control of the money supply through a digital currency... See, none of that is letting the free market decide winners and losers, like a real democracy and capitalism. It's totalitarian control of your life, health, money and mind. Only the left practices totalitarianism and these social psychologists they talk about are bumbling, fucking idiots. who are paid to mislead you. Don't be a tool of the left, please.
One last note, to the comment that Trump would not have won in 2016 if his voters were against political compromise and want leaders to rule with a strong hand. A complete misunderstanding of people is what leads to arrogant, but ignorant comments like this. Eight disastrous years of the Obama Administration's hard turn to the left, the demonizing of America and American values and a government that left half of its citizens behind, is what got Trump elected. Obama was weak and Biden, the weakest of all, but Trump supporters don't want rulers with a strong hand in the totalitarian sense. Strong leaders in doing what you say, making America first, not apologizing for this country being the best, and getting things done that make people's lives better. The left never understands the people, but let's not lie, they don't want to. You are pawns and the less power you have, the better.
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