For about the last six months I have opened my mind up to the possibility that mankind has been duped by archaeologists and other researchers into believing a false history. In the beginning, I was skeptical as anyone should be, but now I am convinced that a large portion of what we've been taught is not true. Part of it is the sheer arrogance of the scientific community to admit they don't know certain things that they've just gone about and filled in the blanks for us with pure speculative garbage and the other portion is that we've been lied to. I don't seem to be alone either. There is a ton of content coming out about this and I think an avalanche of support for the belief that what we know isn't the truth. Every time I have this discussion with someone who is shocked to hear that I'm questioning the dogma of academia, when I'm not an archaeologist or geologist, I get the usual pushback well, I read a lot about this or that and that's not what I know. I start off agreeing that's what I thought too, but then I explain what I read and saw and ask them to consider alternatives. I always get the devil's advocate questions of, why would they lie instead of just saying we don't know? I also agree, but then I show them the attacks and mockery of the people I'm reading and listening to and I ask my own question, why would scientists act so defensive and incensed about someone questioning things? I mean, isn't archaeology and the study of man up for debate? If alternative theories, based on new information, are out there, then debate them with professionalism and do what scientists do, reopen your mind to that which you do not definitively know for sure. I believe their arrogance and mockery is covering up the fact they know they are wrong.
A perfect example of this is Graham Hancock. He's an English journalist who has spent much of his life exploring and learning about the history of man on this planet. After finding many discrepancies in the "settled" science, he wrote a book and made a most controversial documentary called, Ancient Apocalypse. It's on Netflix, if you care, and his theory is that civilization on earth is much older than we've been told and he travels all over the world to ancient megalithic sites and joins local archaeologists and geologists as they probe new and old sites. He makes no claims whatsoever, just asks questions and poses his theories. Much of what he uncovers proves that the human timeline is much older than we've been told and you can see if for yourself. Carbon dating and the geologic record prove this and he uses modern things like LIDAR that older archaeologists didn't have to show you what he's talking about. He does, by accident, maybe on purpose, really debunk the settled archaeologists right before your eyes, but he never once says this is fact. However, the scientific community has called him a threat to humanity as he is lying and they call him the worst names possible. He's hated among the community, and it really is like we're dealing with petulant children rather than professional scientists. I sided with him right away because he's simply pointed things that cannot be what we've been told.
He maintains that there were advanced civilizations on earth prior to the Younger Dryas, which was the end of the ice age when cataclysmic floods ravaged earth very quickly around 12,000 years ago. These civilizations were wiped out and after the waters receded, civilization came back, but came back all over the earth at about the same time and they all had the same myths, same kinds of temples, same stories of sky people and all of them built their megalithic structures to align to astronomical things, mostly to the star Sirius. One, we've been told civilization is about 6,000 years old when the first groups of people began living with each other in cities, but all of the megalithic structures on earth predate this and it is not possible that hunter-gatherers would suddenly build megalithic structures when they hadn't built cities yet. When you look at these megalithic structures and you see that many of the stone blocks are from 20 to 100 tons in weight and are cut perfectly, you soon realize that ancient Egyptians or Aztecs or Indians, who only has copper tools could not have made these structures, you start to believe Hancock may be right. For archaeologists to see stone cut with such precision that we wouldn't duplicate it without lasers today and the structure perfectly built to true astronomical North, off by millimeters, encompassing 1.5 million blocks of stone and try to convince us that simple, rudimentary people with only copper tools and no wheel or pullies or even domesticated animals, built that is more than a dereliction of duty, it's criminal negligence or flat out fabrication. Many things that have been discovered have been suppressed with the Smithsonian being the number one criminal enterprise. Of course, this is our government at work and some of the things they've confiscated and claim to have lost baffle me as to why we are not allowed to know the truth. This is off topic, but they have completely covered up the existence of giants, confiscated the bones and they even deny they have them. Why? Most of the bones were discovered by ordinary people, the newspapers of the time are littered with stories of the discoveries, yet you can't go to a museum anywhere in the world and see them, they've all been confiscated.
Now, if you've ever followed the show, Ancient Aliens, their theory is that the advanced civilizations were given the technology to make these structures by aliens. If you take much of what was written and passed down through spoken stories of all of the ancient cultures and I mean all of them, they all tell the same story. They do, in fact, talk about sky people came down and gave them technology and all of them claim these gods gave them life. They were, in fact, the creators of man. All of these ancient cultures speak of a great flood and the fabled city of Atlantis was said to have been lost to the great flood. Of course, because these ancient cultures have their own languge, etc, these gods have different names, and some cultures, like that in India, have a much better record of what happened than others. Modern archaeologists and paleontologists have written off all of these accounts as pure myth. They disregard the creatures inscribed on walls and hieroglyphics, depicted with bird heads and as snakes or with wings, as just stories. All cultures in question here call these extraordinary beings as gods, because what else would they call beings with powers and technology they've never seen? So, the scientific community says all of these cultures have a mythology and none of it was taken seriously. I suppose when you have no imagination and your scientific-trained brain says if you cannot prove it, then it can't be real. That does seem like a reasonable line of thought. I maintain that these cultures, with little in the way of writing and imagery would not waste their time writing fake stories and would only write and draw what they saw. The idea of writing hundreds of scrolls and using them for a fantasy story is highly unlikely, same with adorning their temples and caves. We don't seem to question the images of animals we recognize, but can't seem to ask ourselves why are they drawing beings with big heads and eyes and little bodies. Why are giants depicted next to small people? Why would they draw a fiery snake in the sky? How did they build all of these structures to align to the solstices and where did they learn astrology? Do we not believe that coincidences are almost never coincidental? Why does every American Indian culture speak about sky people coming to earth and giving them knowledge? Where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, every single culture on the planet has this same story. There are so many anomalies in the structures, writing, pictographs, etc that have been left behind, that it is beyond coincidence that something truly remarkable was going on. Even if you discount the mountain of evidence leaning toward aliens and simply concentrate on the recent discoveries all over the world that prove man existed in places we were told they weren't there for centuries later, you have must come to the conclusion that what we know is now totally different. Proof of man in North America alone has now been taken from 3,000 years ago to 23,000 years ago. Human fossilized footprints in New Mexico and some next to dinosaur footprints in Texas, humans in modern day California where mammoth bones with the marrow removed were found thousands of years before man was supposed to have crossed the land bridge. DNA in Peru of ancient man some 5,000 years old that match DNA of the Moai on Easter Island, proving they sailed the seas centuries before we were told they did. The carvings on the Moai statues on Easter Island having identical carvings to the megalithic stones at Gobekli Tepe in Turkey. Stones, by the way, that are dated 6,000 years before we were told civilization existed in Turkey, depicting advanced astrological knowledge. The same astrological knowledge that aligns structures in Malta, Mezo-America, Egypt and all of Africa, The Americas, China, India, Russia, the Pacific, England, Sumeria and Europe. The simple reason why hieroglyphics depict some beings with animal heads, etc is this is the way of showing who they were, and what powers they were said to have as well as what they brought to their society. Dragons and snakes in the sky represent what they looked like as they descended in craft with flames and smoke coming out. People with no frame a reference had to call them something that was relatable. One argument that has always made a lot of sense to me about the megalithic structures is, if these ancient and simple people had built these intricate and complex structures, where were their earlier attempts at doing so? You don't just build the temple at Teotihuacan or the perfect pyramid at Giza on your first go at it. Archaeologists want us to believe that the Great pyramid is 4,500 years old and is a tomb for the pharaoh Kufu. There are no hieroglyphs on the pyramid that link the pyramid to Kufu except for one put there thousands of years later, and no mummies have ever been found in any pyramid ever. If you think that, you have been lied to. In fact, there are no symbols or anything on the walls of the Great Pyramid. The only thing they have ever found is what they say are numbers on the floor. The reason no mummies have ever been found in a pyramid is that they are not and never have been tombs. The so-called sarcophagus that is in the Queens chamber is actually too small for anyone except an infant to fit into. They also claim that the Sphinx is about the same age, but all it took was one look at the Sphinx and surrounding area for a geologist named, Robert Schoch, to conclude that the erosion on the body and walls around it were damaged due to water and not wind erosion. He flew there and proved to his peers, in what was perhaps the last time the scientific community did a real forum and argument session on anything, that he was correct. Guess what? The last time water flowed on the Giza plateau was over 9,000 years ago. The summarization is the Sphinx is probably tens of thousand of years older than they say. Indian Hindu texts tell the story of flying machines called Vimanas that the gods used and there were great wars between them in the sky. Supposed mythical cities that weren't supposed to really exist have been found underwater off India, see Dwarka, and there is even an entire city of ancient skeletons that are so irradiated from ancient radiation that people cannot be there for long even today. The city is utterly destroyed and melted that nothing short of a nuclear explosion could've caused it. These are just a smidgeon of the discrepancies.
Well, there is one set of tablets that explains all of this, but once again, it has been laughed off as mythology. I get it, it's so far out there that it can't be real, but why would the oldest manuscript on earth be a lie? Now, to be truthful, the actual Emerald Tablets have not been found, but when they were in existence, copies of them were made and then rewritten. The last copy is 1,200 years old and it references it was made from a much older copy, which itself was made from an even older version. It is because we do not have the actual tablets that modern scientists have written them off, but what we do have is quite ancient and the story they tell may very well explain life as we know it. By using all of the ancient tablets we do have and other scrolls and writings, such as the Sumerian tablets, Dead Sea Scrolls and Mahabharata, along with the Emerald Tablets, we can piece together a story that will certainly shake humanity and many religions, but quite possibly may be the truth. I do think that if any of this interests you, there is one person I would say is an authority on it and his name is Billy Carson. He has a website called 4biddenknowledge that you can watch him talk about the Emerald Tablets for hours and he has a wide breadth of knowledge in all of the ancient writings. He has committed a large amount of his life to the explanations of these writings. I have found it fascinating probably because I slowly found my way to him and what he has taken from reading the tablets ties into everything else and the idea that it may be true is mind-blowing.
In another one of my posts about the moon not being real, I stumbled upon the names Enki and Enlil. These were the aliens that several ancient cultures, and I mean ancient, like the Arcadians and Zulus, claimed brought the moon to earth and came down and started to teach the people about civilization, astrology and technology. They happened to be brothers, but the fact they showed up in the stories from other cultures in a non-related story to what is in the tablets is intriguing. Enki appears to be the father of Thoth. They both have other names that makes some of this confusing. The Greeks called Thoth, Hermes Trismegistus and his father goes by several names as well. Ra, the sun god and even Horus as well as his Atlantean name, Thotme. Thoth is probably best known as an Egyptian god and is depicted as having an Ibis head. He is much older than Egypt however, going back to Khem and Atlantis before that. Thoth is the writer of the Emerald Tablets and he goes to great lengths to describe the secrets of the universe, but maintains in the tablets that they will remain hidden until man is ready. He may even return at this point and Billy Carson says that the time is now, according to the tablets. One of the first things Thoth says in the tablets is that he built the Great Pyramid at Giza and his father is the one who told him to build the Sphinx with his head on it. So, the original head was that of Thoth, but after Enki told Thoth to travel the earth and find the survivors of the flood and rebuild civilization, Enlil recarved the Sphinx's head into his own son's head. There was jealousy among aliens apparently. In fact, we find out through the tablets and in many other ancient writings that the aliens fought wars against one another that spanned from earth to Mars. The weapons they used are even described in great detail, some having massive power. The Mars rovers have discovered that the surface of Mars has the telltale signs of manufactured nuclear material all over the planet. It is believed that a huge nuclear war wiped out the atmosphere on Mars, making it nearly unlivable, except underground and this explains why all the water dried up and its barren now. We have found obelisks and pyramids on Mars.
Thoth does describe that they manipulated the DNA of the hominids that were on earth before he arrived to essentially have a work force that was capable of thinking. He also describes how he built the pyramid and did it through a form of manifestation as well as vibrational resonance. We have no idea how old Thoth and his family were, but going back through the Sumerian tablets that have a kings list with time frames, you come up with 38,000 years is when Thoth claims to have written the first of the tablets. He describes that his race had figured out how to move their consciousness from their original body into avatar bodies and he says that he would periodically have to go under the pyramids, deep in the ground and rest for 100 years at a time and would come back after that. He said he did this 1,000 times. That would make the pyramids 100,000 years old and may explain why he has so many names as he came back after those that knew him had died and he has a different body. He also describes how the pyramids are power sources that they would use to communicate with their home world in the Pleiades as well as use obelisks to send energy to other pyramids along the 33rd parallel, which most pyramids on earth are aligned to. Several experiments have been done with models of the pyramids and it has been proven that they could easily have been power sources. Almost all the pyramids on earth have been purposely built on strong magnetic energy areas and almost all were built over aquifers, including the Great Pyramids. Water flowed there thousands of years ago. Trace amount of chemicals have been found in the different shafts and experiments have been done showing the chemical reactions that would've been created would produce energy, especially hydrogen. One pyramid smells so badly of ammonia today that it is almost unbearable to be inside, begging the question of what they were creating. A lot of this energy from the earth's magnetic field vindicates Telsa's work.
There is much more that I could write many more pages. I guess my thoughts are clouded to the point that I am unsure of what is true. I ask you, if this were true, how would it change your life? I get the feeling that the kids of today couldn't care a less, but I find it rather profound and earth shattering to think that humanity is nothing short of an experiment. I also realize that without the help we supposedly received that we may be centuries behind where we are. One of Thoth's comments about coming out of his rest period, following the great flood, that he found man to have become barbaric. This would make sense that after most of life on earth had perished, that the base idea of survival would take over and man would kill man to stay alive. He actually tells the story that the people tried to kill him, but he used a weapon that froze them in place and was able to convince them he meant no harm and wanted to help them progress. We do know for certain that the floods of the Younger Dryas covered much of the earth as the glaciers melted so quickly that nothing in its path could survive. Sea levels rose at least 400 feet with many coastal cities sinking beneath the waves. There is a geologic record of a layer of melted material that can be found all over the earth, called the black mat, proving some areas were blasted by a meteor and/or covered with burning hot debris and ash, killing all plant life and with stories from every society on earth at the time of a flood, we know civilization was nearly wiped out. So, is it possible that an advanced alien race did in fact go around the globe to all the survivors and restart civilization? For me, the answer is yes. There is no way that the relatively small amount of survivors would be able to moves tons of massive stones, some going up mountains, being cut with perfect precision, with such skill that they would survive thousands of years when all they were trying to do was find food and survive. They also did not have the ability to track the stars and build structures that perfectly aligned to the solstices and equinoxes. The histories of these people all say the sky people came from the Pleaides, Orion and Sirius. The coincidences are monumental and are as far-fetched as aliens seeding the planet with humans and helping them advance. It is the reason why we've never found the missing link in our DNA from that of Neanderthals because we weren't looking at our genome. When we did, some strange things have been found.
The last part of the Emerald Tablets that proves their existence is the part about the Philosopher's Stone. We know that the tablets are the beginning of chemistry. They contain many formulas and concoctions that lead to alchemy, which then became chemistry. Many famous scientists in history were obsessed with finding the Philosopher's Stone, which was said to give you eternal life and give you the ability to turn any object into gold. Sir Isaac Newton, for example, was so obsessed with alchemy and trying to create the stone that he nearly went mad. We know the tablets existed for this reason alone as there is tons of evidence that people have been trying for centuries to duplicate it. Apparently, the stone is made from human urine, of all things, and after following the process, which could take years, you're supposed to come up with a red substance. According to the tablets, you are to eat the substance and gain eternal life. One scientist, after years of following the process, came up with a white substance that glowed in the dark. He actually discovered phosphorus, but didn't know it and thought he had made something magical. So, the tablets are real, they led to chemistry, they talk about things we know happened and existed and all that is left is for you to believe in aliens. I find it impossible to believe that ancient man knew about his consciousness and could even conceive of avatar bodies or that beings might live in the stars in the sky, or could conceive of a staff that could freeze people in place or had the slightest idea how to move stones weighing a hundred tons or even wanted to build massive structures when all they were trying to do was find their next meal. I also believe a lot of these cultures that archeologists have attributed these structures to actually inherited them much later. So, if you buy any of it, the obvious question is, where did these aliens go? Where did some of these cultures go? Almost all of the cultures that inhabit the areas around the megalithic structures today have histories that tell us they didn't build them. The native Indians in America say this about structures here, the Egyptians also say the people of Khemet built the pyramids and all of the Mezo-American cultures say they didn't build any of the structures in Mexico or South America. In fact, they claim sky people did. A side story from Thoth is that he took some of the Olmecs from Africa with him on his journey around the planet to restart society and today, we find Olmec heads and statues in South America that have African features on them and can't really be explained by archeologists. They do not exist there anymore and the only explanation is they disappeared. What appears to be a mystery isn't really a mystery afterall. So, is Thoth the father of mankind? If you're like almost everyone else you won't believe anything without proof, as it probably should be, but denying all that we know but aren't supposed to talk about doesn't make it false. I actually believe that even if we had full disclosure, that people wouldn't want to believe it because they would be clinging to their beliefs so hard it would leave them feeling lost and alone. Fear may be the only reason we don't already know.
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