I blame the British. There's plenty of blame to go around, however. Have you ever heard some pundit or friend or talking head complain about the Federal Reserve before? They're out there and for a long time I didn't really buy what they were selling, but I sure do now. The more this country slips beneath the waves of what it once could've been, the more I lament the future. Perhaps the biggest pain to my heart is the understanding that we aren't the republic we were meant to be and that many of the promises made in the Constitution and Bill of Rights have been stolen from us. I do mean stolen. We've been robbed and robbed not only in wealth, but in our future.
Did you know that before the Federal Reserve was created in 1913 that in order for the federal government to spend any money, it had to have the permission of the people? Not through suckhole representatives, but we actually voted, in person, on whether they could spend money. God, I wish it was still that way. The entire future of America was destroyed in that 1913 decision. It took some time for it to regress into the disaster it has become, but never before had a Congress ceded its power to pure greed from the bankers who fleeced us all than in the 1913 decision to create the Federal Reserve bank. We need to go further back to understand this, however.
In 1694, as the Nine Years War raged, King William III of England was in dire straits. The crown was broke and his credit was drying up. He needed money to rebuild the navy and was looking for a solution. An enterprising Scottish banker named, William Paterson, came up with an insidious idea. He'll create a company that will lend money to the crown, at interest with a management fee. The company will be made to look like it is a government entity and the king will give it exclusive rights to print money out of the thin air and lend it to the crown. This entity is a private bank, with private interests and private profit. It is called The Bank of England. The deception behind the name is one that is purely made to dupe the public and the ability to print money from nothing while making a hefty profit shows the horrors of making faustian bargains with greedy people. This decision will lead to the enslavement and disenfranchisement of popluations of people all over the globe for the next 300+ years. This concept of a central bank, not owned by the people, creating money from nothing, allowing governments to borrow ungodly sums of money at public expense literally robs the liberty of seemingly free people. It is this concept that the Federal Reserve bank is modeled after.
American banks suffered from multiple large problems from our founding through the turn of the 20th century. Among them was that many banks in each state would issue their own notes and some notes had no value in other states while some did. This made interstate commerce quite difficult. These bank-issued notes were, of course, backed by gold and silver at that time. Banks deserve a lot of the blame for their tarnished reputations because they soon created a huge scam, called fractional banking, by printing more notes than they actually had gold on hand. The allure of profits with no backstop was too enticing. When a crisis popped up and people tried to pull their gold out of the bank and the bank didn't have the gold to give out, well this caused a run on the bank and bank failures ensued. Bank failures caused personal and business failures as people lost all their savings and businesses were forced to lay off employees or close their doors. The government knew it had to do something and so did the wealthy bankers of the day. Now, the United States had flirted with a central bank several times before. These moments were always in times of war, when the government was desperate to keep fighting and needed money. Both during the revolution and during the war on the Barbary pirates, the federal government fell victim to central bank schemes, but the Founders hated debt and both times after the emergency passed, the central bank was dissolved. Not without a fight, mind you. If you ever felt that Andrew Jackson had a boring presidency and did nothing, thank his soul for fighting the central bank and winning. Do yourself a favor and look into it. This time, after the Panic of 1907, in which there was a run on the banks, things were coming to a head.
November 22nd is a date to remember. On that night in 1910, a plot was hatched that has robbed us all of our liberty for all time's sake. A cabal of the wealthiest and most influential bankers met in a train car in Hoboken, New Jersey and concocted a secret plot to create a cartel with the most power ever given to a group of people. Their plan was to put themselves in charge of the system they broke and we've been paying for it ever since. The list of names is a who's who in finance. The car was owned by Senator Nelson Aldrich, the father-in-law of billionaire heir to the Rockefeller dynasty, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. A central figure on the influential Senate Finance Committee, where he oversaw the nation's monetary policy. Joining him that evening was A. Piatt Andrew, the Assistant Treasury Secretary; Frank Vanderlip, President of the National City Bank of New York; Henry P. Davison, a senior partner of J.P. Morgan Company; Benjamin Strong, Jr., an associate of J.P. Morgan and President of Bankers Trust Co., and Paul Warburg, heir of the Warburg banking family and son-in-law of Solomon Loeb of the famed New York investment firm, Kuhn, Loeb & Company. They were headed to Jekyll Island in Georgia and the elitist Jekyll Island Club. They had decided that since legislation was coming they would take the lead in reforming their own industry and wrote the most over-reaching, insidious and far-flung scheme of taking the sovereign right of government, to create their own money, out of their hands and into the hands of the banks. The money supply would not be backed by gold or other assets, but by the full faith and credit of the United States, in other words, you and I. To top that off, making money out of nothing and charging interest to the people would be how it was done and there would be virtually no over-sight by the government. The banks were privately owned and would remain that way and would govern themselves. The only part of government partnership would be that the president could appoint a few members to the Board of Governors and a Fed Chairman, but they didn't have to listen to the president and would set all monetary policy on their own. In fact, the central bank couldn't even be audited, except by itself. All of this would be done with a charter from the government, but that really does nothing, except give apologists a reason to say the Federal Reserve isn't really a private bank. These bankers didn't actually believe that any of this would get passed, but the fools in Congress went for it lock, stock and barrel. It's actually more complicated than this and the amount of lying and fabricating of scandals and creating monetary crises that JP Morgan, the Warburgs and others did behind the scenes to fool the public and Congress into trusting them is worthy of a documentary and a mini-series. It was criminal actually, but here we are. This cabal knew that Americans would fear the power of a central bank, so they created an illusion by making the Federal Reserve a combination of several smaller regional reserve banks. The bill also didn't pass the first time, but was tweaked renamed and tah-da. Scared about financial things they didn't understand and passing their duties on to the charlatans who created most of the problems, Congress and President Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law in December of 1913.
Now, I'd like to explain something here. I don't think money is understood by 99% of people. You mistakenly think that when you take out a loan, that the bank is borrowing you money that exists in its bank as deposits from other customers. I used to think this because any other way would be immoral. You deposit your money in the bank and then the bank borrows off those deposits, right? Nope. Here is an explanation from the Fed itself from 1977 when they tried to explain what they do;
“Commercial banks create checkbook money whenever they grant a loan, simply by adding new deposit dollars to accounts on their books in exchange for a borrower's IOU.[...]Banks create money by 'monetizing' the private debts of businesses and individuals. That is, they create amounts of money against the value of those IOUs.”
Do you see that? They admitted the quiet part out loud. They create money out of the thin air. In fact, most money in circulation, if you can call fake dollars as being in circulation, is not money that is printed at a mint in Denver or Philadelphia, nope, it's fake money that they magically put in your account. The implications of this are dire and it gets much worse. We are over $32 trillion in debt as a nation and all of this was created by the Fed. The only real dollars they produce are sent off to Iran in black C130's and dropped off in the dead of night to pay for hostages. Money which was printed especially for them and then you were charged interest on all of it. Who gets massively wealthy as the nation sinks into generational debt? The banks. They create money and set the interest rates and the vast majority of people think it is the government doing it. No, the idiots in Congress spend the fake dollars that the cartel invents and there is virtually no over sight because the cartel has a total monopoly on this circus and we will never get out from under it unless we destroy the Fed.
This was tried by the way. In what has become a side note in history now, but may very well be the answer to taking our future back, an attempt at regaining control of the money supply got as far as printing money, some $4 billion of it in circulation when disaster struck. In June of 1963, John F Kennedy signed Executive Order 11110, which returned the power of printing money to the US Treasury. From then until his death on the day I told you to remember, November 22, 1963, the Treasury printed $4.3 billion worth of the last real dollars ever seen in this country in the form of $2 and $5 bills. If you have one of these bills, at the top of the note, it will say United States Note rather than the bastardized notes of today that say Federal Reserve Note. Order 11110 used all the silver in the Treasury, whether it was silver dollars or bullion, to back these silver or United States notes. Federal Reserve notes are not backed by anything and if enough money had been put into circulation, it would have put the Federal Reserve Bank out of business. There is no way our debt would have reached its current level if we had stayed on this course and debts could have been paid off with these notes. I do not think it is a stretch to say JFK may have been assassinated for this move as he was killed just five months later. All theories on why he was killed are viable, but this one gets virtually no play whatsoever. Why would it not be possible that the private cabal of bankers who stood to lose trillions could've plotted to kill the president? It's more than likely. Not only did JFK take back the ability to print money, but he was trying to get our troops out of Vietnam and we all know war and debt go hand in hand. Losing the ability to batter the American people through debt and the loss of the most debt-creating vehicle of war was enough to get the cabal to act. The date of November 22nd may just be the first clue as it happens to be the same day the cabal met in secret to plot the creation of the Federal Reserve Act.
One of the biggest ironies is that Executive Order 11110 has never been repealed and is still in effect today. JFK's assassination has been enough to keep the cartel in business and the rest of us buried in debt forever. The uber wealthy continue to get wealthier and the Federal Reserve is littered with Democrat political operatives and Black Rock employees. Wall Street and the Fed are in cahoots and the circular strip-mining of wealth from the middle class is almost complete. When banks fail the Fed bails them out with Fed-created dollars and sells them to Federal Reserve Banks, soaking the American people for the debt. They realize that if you just make barely enough to get by and can afford a few trinkets and trips that they can confiscate everything else and you can't and won't do anything about it. Taking your money isn't enough for them as they now pound down our throats their social and climate garbage and control every facet of the economy, forcing you into it. You have no choices anymore. It is safe to say that we have no freedoms anymore. They own the Republicans too. Any one going off the reservation will be crushed. With control of everything, if they don't want you to get a loan or a job, you can't survive. It's almost as bad as living in China. Don't think for one second that they don't know everywhere you go, everything you spend your money on and everything you post. Oh shit.
Today Fed policy is made for you to think they have the country's best interest in mind. Don't be fooled, they do not. Why do you think the Fed waited so long to act as inflation roared? When they did act, they acted too much and raised rates too fast. It's been a disaster. People who really cared would never do either of those things. If you've ever openly wondered how Democrats could possibly stay in power after ruining the country in so many ways, it's because of the power of the wealthy banks and funds in this country. They want debt. They would rather not have a Republican in office because conservatives usually cut wasteful spending. I've mentioned this before, but it is worthy to note that Dwight Eisenhower warned us of the dangers of the military industrial complex when he left office and JFK sensed this was true and tried to do something about it. The military industrial complex includes the Federal Reserve as they love war. It leads to massive spending. Today's conflicts in Ukraine, Israel and soon to be in the South China Sea are perfect for the Federal Reserve as has the last fifteen years, Trump spent money like a drunken sailor and Obama was an epic spender. The middle class in the US is almost gone with their wealth having been sent to the banks and elitists. The power of the middle class has always been a threat to the evil interests of the cartel. When we're all poor, we will be totally beholden to them. Take special note of the massive credit card debt we carry and how these parasites are now buying up single family homes everywhere. We are under siege and yet most people are totally clueless. When Silicon Valley Bank went down earlier in the year, we bailed them out as they were sold to a favored bank and the talk in the press was how all regional banks will be done away with. We don't need them said the big banks. Why would they say that? They don't own those regional banks yet and with them gone, you have no friends left. That is the reason. Conservative strength lies in the rural areas of America, where people do business with local banks. For now, you have friends, but very soon they will be gone and so will America.
In describing the Fed, Louis T. McFadden, head of the House Banking Committee in the 30's, remarked in the Congressional Record, House pages 1295 and 1296 on June 10, 1932, that:
Mr. Chairman, we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal reserve banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a Government Board, has cheated the Government of the United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt. The depredations and the iniquities of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal reserve banks acting together have cost this country enough money to pay the national debt several times over. This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of the United States; has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our Government. It has done this through the maladministration of that law by which the Federal Reserve Board, and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it.
Mr. McFadden couldn't be more correct and his accusations of corruption were prescient. There is a lot of evidence that the banking crisis in 2008 was done on purpose by the Federal Reserve and affiliated banks to consolidate their power. Either way, what happened in 2008 has forever changed the relationship the Fed and banks have with the American people and not in a good way. Most people are completely unaware of just how criminal what happened was nor how mind-blowingly expensive the whole disaster really was. Not to bring up terrible terms from the past, by most people only knew about the $700 billion we were told was needed to bail out the banks at the time. It forgets to mention the $800 billion in the TARP program, but in reality, the cost of the 2008 bailout is over $16 trillion and counting. The banks are now truly too big to fail as the main five non-reserve banks account for over 52% of all Americans deposits and if any one of them did fail, another crisis even bigger would happen.
You may know the name, Matt Taibbi, as he was the one journalist that Elon Musk gave access to the Twitter files to report on. He also wrote on the 2008 bailout at the time. In his article, Secrets and Lies of the Bailout, Matt Taibbi says
“It was all a lie – one of the biggest and most elaborate falsehoods ever sold to the American people. We were told that the taxpayer was stepping in – only temporarily, mind you – to prop up the economy and save the world from financial catastrophe. What we actually ended up doing was the exact opposite: committing American taxpayers to permanent, blind support of an ungovernable, unregulatable, hyper concentrated new financial system that exacerbates the greed and inequality that caused the crash, and forces Wall Street banks like Goldman Sachs and Citigroup to increase risk rather than reduce it.
After the original $700 billion bailout, the ongoing bailout was kept very secret because Chairman Ben Bernanke, argued that revealing borrower details would create a stigma — investors and counterparties would shun firms that used the central bank as lender of last resort. In fact, $7.7 trillion of the secret emergency lending was only disclosed to the public after Congress forced a one-time audit of the Federal Reserve in November of 2011. After the audit the public found out the bailout was in trillions not billions; and that there were no requirements attached to the bailout money - the banks could use it for any purpose.
Lied to by the Fed again and it gets worse. According to Forbes, here are more of the criminal activities that were uncovered.
• Rating agencies- Rating agencies like Standard and Poor’s are paid by the banks (which is a conflict of interest) and have a huge influence on the ratings of securities. During the housing bubble ratings agencies continued to give triple AAA ratings to toxic mortgages. The justice department wants $5 billion in restitution from Standard and Poor’s for its part in falsifying ratings.
• Money laundering – It has been proven that the American Division of the HSBC bank did money laundering for Mexican drug cartels to the tune of $881 billion according to the Justice Department. The penalty to this bank for blatant corruption was $1.9 billion and the New York Times laments that HSBC was too big to indict. Nobody goes to jail at a time when an unemployed black person gets 10 years for robbing a minute mart.
• Betting Against – Both JP Morgan Chase and Goldman Sachs worked with hedge funds to bet against the toxic mortgages after the crash had started. They made money by selling short on the financial catastrophe they had created. JP Morgan was fined $296.9 million and Goldman Sachs was fined $550 million for actions
• Insider Trading –The jailed billionaire Raj Rajartmn made nearly $One million a minute by getting inside information from Goldman Schs. The New York attorney has fingered 70 hedge funds but the prosecution is very slow.
The operating principles of the big banks is a cesspool of greed, ethics and criminal intent and they give a very bad name to free market capitalism. During the housing bubble Wall street was considered the heart and soul of free market capitalism, but when they were in danger of total collapse they fell on their knees as socialists, begging the government and tax payers to bail them out.
Many people have asked why the government bailed them out. Isn’t capitalism designed to get rid of the weak and the failed; so why didn’t we just let them fail? The answer was that they were too big to fail and allowing them to fail could have created a worldwide depression. In fact, in a meeting with Congress on September 18th, 2008. Treasury Secretary Paulson told the members that $5.5 trillion in wealth could disappear by 2pm of that day. In a meeting with Senator Sherrod Brown, Secretary Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said, “we need $700 billion and we need it in 3 days.”
So it's easy to see why I want the Fed abolished. Since their existence, the national debt has exploded to a number that is really unfathomable. Thinking of a trillion dollars is amazing. Now think of 32 trillion. $32,000,000,000,000.00 All of this has come at your expense and because most people don't want to think about it, the future of this country is choked off for at least five generations in the future. Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve, it's member banks and its crony banks have all become massively wealthy and simply control everything. You control nothing. This generational theft is due to the central bank idea and the capitulation of the governments who made it happen. It's gone on for over 100 years now with no end in sight. Is it even possible to pull us out of this abyss? If the politicians we elect are so easily bought off by the banks and anyone getting too involved in changing this policy ends up like JFK, then no, there is no way out. It literally will take an uprising by average citizens to change it and until that happens you shouldn't ever get too comfortable with having your money in a bank because it isn't safe as long as these criminals are in charge. The next banking crisis in already in the offing.
I do have to give credit to a 2014 article on the Corbett Report. Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve - The Corbett Report
Also to Forbes. The Big Bank Bailout (forbes.com)
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