Just last week the FBI warned about the Chinese cyber espionage group, Volt Typhoon, was back attempting to infiltrate critical US infrastructure with a new tactic. Last year, the FBI announced that they had dismantled part or most of the group's botnet, which had targeted our water, energy and telecommunications networks. A botnet is a group of compromised computers that are connected via the net and are controlled by a third party, in this case the CCP. The new tactic takes advantage of old out-of-date modems that no longer get updates and can be easily accessed by today's cyber criminals. Many networks in the world fall into this category and our enemies have access to most of them. In many cases we know this and in others, we've been hacked for years and they have all the data they could ever want. Now, this week, the FBI reveals that another CCP hacking group, called Salt Typhoon, has hacked more than a dozen US telecommunications companies to such a great extent that the Head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Mark Warner, of Oregon, called it, "the worst telecom hack in our nation's history - by far." The hack included Donald Trump's and JD Vance's phones, as well as Kamala Harris and other officials in the campaigns and in government. The hackers are still in the networks and have been for as long as a year. To get them out would require millions of dollars in equipment upgrades. They were able to listen in real-time to phone calls and see text messages. These hacks are pre-positioning for a war with the US.
The difference with the US and China is that our espionage has been defensive in nature, whereas China is an all facets enterprise. They steal all the data they can get their hands on and also are planning offensive actions against us when the attack on Taiwan will happen. It will most likely include and all-out war on us in such a manner that will shock most of you.
"The PRC [People’s Republic of China] has made it clear that it considers every sector that makes our society run as fair game in its bid to dominate on the world stage, and that its plan is to land low blows against civilian infrastructure to try to induce panic and break America’s will to resist."
FBI Director Christopher Wray
We will only get the information that the FBI wants us to know, but the cyber threat from China is broad and unrelenting. It has been going on for a long time and I get the feeling we caught on a lot later than we should have. Part of the problem is that most of our critical infrastructure is privately owned. Private companies will have all kinds of levels of sophistication and money that they spend on cyber security, so the FBI has its hands full trying to protect our networks. There is a lot of public/private cooperation and programs where help is available. The FBI points out that any help involves court-ordered authorizations as protection for the companies, but I doubt the CIA, NSA or other black cyber security entities care. They probably constantly monitor this without consent.
Back in 2011, one of these partnerships brought something interesting to light. Again, here is the soon to be ex Director Wray speaking about the motivations of our enemy,
“When one victim company set up a honeypot—essentially, a trap designed to look like a legitimate part of a computer network with decoy documents—it took the hackers all of 15 minutes to steal data related to the control and monitoring systems, while ignoring financial and business-related information, which suggests their goals were even more sinister than stealing a leg up economically,” he said.
I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find out some of the recent computer related incidents that have popped up this year were done by China. Take the airlines problems in July or recent cell phone tower issues in September. These are the types of things they would attack and these companies could easily be told to blame suppliers publicly while working with the FBI privately. The amount of information we are not told is staggering.
The war will not only be fought in the cyber realm. Chinas has now successfully launched and landed their space plane three times. The last flight stayed in space for over 800 days and released secret objects in space. Most likely it was a series of sub satellites, but no one knows for sure. There has been a great level of secrecy surrounding their space plane, including the name. We think it is Shenlong, but we aren't sure. The US has its own space plane, which we've operated for many years now and with at least 10 missions, called the X-37B. The fact that China now has their own space plane means, no doubt, they stole our technology. It's just too much of a coincidence and that they operate very similarly. I'll just interject that it pisses me off greatly that we cannot keep anything secret for long and that we are so easily infiltrated either from the outside or from within. People are so easily corrupted by money that we just have to wait for the next act of treason to happen. Then, we just jail people instead of executing them. The greater the damage, the greater the punishment and execution definitely needs to be on the table for all turn-coats. I digress. China has a whole of country approach to espionage and have been engaging in it for years. There is no such thing as a Chinese student, businessman and corporate entity. They are all CCP spies and are actually required to assist the MSS, China's Ministry of State Security, when ever asked. You can bank on the fact that every single Chinese National that is here for any reason is spying all the time. That spying has been incredibly successful. In fact, I'd go as far to say that China knows every secret we have and I mean every single one of them. We have zero advantages. Our counter intelligence has been pathetic, to say the least. Most Americans are oblivious to how bad this is. After spending billions of your dollars on the F-22 Raptor and F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the first of our 5th generation aircraft, we thought we stood on top with the best technology. China, in just a few years had stolen all of the data and plans for both aircraft. Through cyber espionage, spying and theft they were able to get it all. Instead of having a distinct advantage over our adversaries, China leveled the field by coming out with their own, the Chengdu J20 Mighty Dragon 5th gen fighters in 2017. Now, their air force has hundreds more of these aircraft than we do. Much has been made by the military industrial complex that the Chinese aircraft are still not on par with ours, but you miss the point. They don't have to be because with hundreds and perhaps thousands more fighters than we have, they just need to fly and fire missiles to win. Just this month, China introduced the J-35A, a near copy of the F-35, at their famed air show in Zhuhai. Other than this aircraft being a twin engine design, it sure looks like an F-35. Whereas the J-20 was rushed into production and lacked Western tech in its engine design, the Chinese managed to steal the last bit of aerospace engineering they lacked for twenty years, engine fan concepts and have now emerged as a real threat. You can tell they stole their new aircraft, right down the marketing aspect of it. When Lockheed Martin came out with the F-35, they called it the "quarterback" of the fleet. China says the F-35A is the "point guard" of their air force. The F=35A has been a concept for more than a decade and been reworked several times. It also has a carrier-based variant.
In 1999, one of our F-117 stealth bombers crashed in Serbia. It was actually shot down by a vintage 1960's air defense system, much to the embarrassment of our military. Guess who got their hands on the wreckage? Yes, China. There is an interesting story that cannot be verified, but if true, says something indeed. Apparently, the Serbs sold the wreckage to the Chinese and they stored the wreckage in the Chinese embassy in Belgrade. A few months later, we bombed the Chinese embassy "accidentally", killing three Chinese nationals. Perhaps you remember the incident? The story is we detected a signal from the wreckage in the basement of the embassy and tried to destroy it. China, at the time, said it was intentional. Now why would they say that? Bill Clinton publicly apologized for the accident, blaming it on poor intelligence. Would we commit an act of war against China under these circumstances? Maybe. It is intriguing and some evidence that this was the case came out in a Japanese newspaper in 2021. Instead of being 30 years behind us, they made the leap to just 10 years and with the theft of the F22 and F35 data, they are on par. Unfortunately, something similar happened when one of our Reaper drones crashed in Iran. They got their hands on our tech and now a few years later, no one builds and delivers more drones for war in Ukraine than the Iranians. They had no drones of their own until then and now they've used them to great effect.
If you were alive in 2017 or any year prior, the Chinese have your credit and personal information. They hacked the credit bureau company, Equifax, and stole their entire database on all Americans. If you know someone dumb enough to use Tik Tock, they are totally compromised. Anything done on there will be used against you in the future, perhaps to get you to steal information for them. This is exactly how they have compromised Americans that work in our military or contractors for our defense industry. In 2014 Chinese hackers broke into the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and stole all the data on everyone who has ever attempted to get a job or credentials with the US government. Information that would be obtained during a security clearance is stored there. Information like extra-marital affairs and anything kinky they may find that you do. China now has millions of potential blackmail victims.
In 2010, the MSS hacked into the supposedly-secure communication network the CIA maintained in Beijing and killed or imprisoned at least of dozen of our assets. It totally wiped out of intel network within China. We still don't know how they did it, but most likely it was a mole from inside the CIA. We are now totally blind in China. They are everywhere here, and we are blind there. The Chinese, in my estimation, have won the war already. I wouldn't be surprised if we have some serious successes in infiltrating their networks, but our security service is about 1/1,000th the size of theirs. Take out 200 Chinese spies and you missed 2 million others. I have read several times that there are more than 3 million Chinese civilians and security agents actively working to destroy us every day. 3 million. Just working on anti-American efforts. That doesn't include their military nor the people they have working on all of our allies or other nations. 3 million people whose sole purpose is to find ways to hurt, steal, infiltrate, subvert, coerce and mislead just Americans. An unrelenting force that never sleeps. They also don't care about laws and have no overcite. With their entire society on lock down and heavily surveilled, spying in China is difficult. Yet, we make it so easy for them to spy on us. Over 30,000 men of military age from China have freely crossed our wide open border in the last four years. When you realize that no one leaves China without the express consent of the CCP, you can guarantee all of them are sleeper cell soldiers. When activated, the war will end very quickly as we will be devasted from within. They can easily hide out and practice the craft of warfare on the hundreds of thousands of acres of land in the US that they own. With about 1% of all containers that enter the US daily being inspected, tons of weapons and explosive can be smuggled in with ease. Perhaps dirty nuclear bombs as well and then easily buried on that land until they are needed. We have let the wolves in and we will never get them out because we don't have the political will to do it. Joe Biden continues to maintain China is not a threat to the US. With ignorance like this in one of the major parties in the country, we simply have no chance.
We are ignorant and oblivious. We will never commit the resources necessary to win because we don't understand the threat. We have made China into what they are. The single greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen is the theft of our intellectual property to China, who then reverse engineers our technology to make themselves better and in many cases sells our own technology back to us at prices we cannot match. China controls all the earth's rare minerals. When I say controls, I mean controls. They have access to more minerals, the ability to pull them from the earth, manufacture them, control the markets and price. It effects every device, military or not, that we want. Electric cars and batteries is just one the most glaring examples of this. They help push the climate change agenda, knowing full well that the fools in the West will mandate their even more foolish citizens buy electric. Controlling and getting filthy, dirty wealthy in the process. Meanwhile, they will not follow any climate protocols themselves. They also do not follow any laws and blatantly damage the environment while doing it. China has recently built and manufactured multiples of every product they export in an effort to suppress the market and protect themselves to any upcoming tariffs the Trump Administration may bring. They regularly manipulate their currency and though they are in a deep recession at the moment, it will not slow down their efforts to conquer us.
Go ahead and look around. The Chinese are beating us at everything. Every day while researching for this story I found another more egregious assault on our way of life from the Chinese. It's way worse than you think. While the Biden Administration slept, China now controls almost all of the world's ports. Including all the strategic ones, like the ports on either side of the Panama Canal. Recently, the FBI warned that the industrial cranes used to unload shipping containers, could be used for espionage as they are all built in China. The warning would not have gone out unless we detected something. They were able to fly a spy balloon all the way across Alaska and the continental US before we did anything about it. The truth about that flight is very embarrassing to the US because after laughing at their technology and saying they didn't collect anything, we found out they got a lot of damaging real-time data we never expected. China controls an absurd amount of the air cargo business. I have no doubt the information they are gathering about flight patterns, airports and how little cargo is screened is being factored into their war plans. I can see them using the Russians tactics of obscuring military laden cargo planes as just commercial air traffic when they descend upon us. China is on the moon and on Mars. Their new space shuttle is an exact knock-off of our last one. Their spy base in Cuba watches everything we do unchecked. The military data they gain from listening to every conversation out of Florida alone is a treasure trove of knowledge. They have Space Force, our special forces in the Panhandle, air bases all over the state and naval facilities, just 90 miles away. Our drone force is run out of Florida too. We are compromised like no other country has ever been and yet it seems we just are oblivious to it. It's as if we are so confident in ourselves that we cannot fathom China attacking us in an all-out war. It is predicted that they possess 300 ballistic missiles to every one that we have. In a war, our navy will be sunk under a missile swarm, including hypersonic missiles, we cannot defend against. Too many missiles, not enough chain guns to stop them all and with that at least three of our carriers will be at the bottom of the sea. This complacency and bravado is why it will happen, and the outcome will be disastrous. This war's culmination will be sometime before 2027. This is supposedly when China will be ready to take Taiwan. I think if you believe that timeframe, you have been fooled by Chinese disinformation. I would say sooner. Xi isn't going to live forever and the 71 year-old dictator has this as his life's goal to reunify China and Taiwan. You do not spend trillions to make an army that is built to destroy America for no reason. You do not have a whole of country effort to destroy America without actually destroying America. Everything they do every single day is building toward an all-out effort to win without worry and they are almost there. Meanwhile, we dither and watch the Kardashians.
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