The election is over and the best person for the job won. I think that is really clear. What is more clear is that it was a total ass-whooping. I hate to say this now, but I did predict a landslide. The reasons for that are pretty simple. Kamala Harris was the worst candidate that the Democrats could have run. She picked the single worst running mate that she could have and they had absolutely nothing to sell to the American people. The campaign was one giant lie from the beginning. I'm not sure if Bernie Madoff was running it, but it was a scheme so fraught with hypocrisy and fraudulence that that even the average person could see right through it.
I want everyone who reads this to never forget that the entire left-wing media, every Democrat surrogate, and all the main people within the Democrat Party lied to your face for more than a year that Donald Trump was a threat to democracy. They've been saying it longer than that, but in the scope of the 2024 campaign, it was one of their main talking points. Yet, right before your eyes, they circumvented the democratic process of their own party and installed Kamala as the candidate. No primary or caucus, no voting, no discussion, she was the candidate. Don't ever forget that democracy is just a buzz word to these people. They could care a less about democracy and only tout it when it serves some sick need they have. This is what dictators do, they install themselves. As party apparatchiks, you must toe the line. Very few liberals complained about this whole charade. This was just weeks from when the socialist talking heads on the liberal media were actually discussing how to ditch her. She was wildly unpopular within her party, was considered a drag on the ticket and many wanted her replaced as Biden's VP going forward. Nationally, she was disliked and let's face it, was clearly the most obvious DEI hire of all time. She checked some boxes and had no charisma or talent. She had ridden this wave as far as it could go. Suddenly, Barack Obama demanded that she be the candidate and hatched a plot, which included all the usual suspects in the liberal media, to remake her as a black female Jesus of the Democrat Party. She was strong, capable, smart, accomplished and ready. The amount of ink spilled and glowing coverage she got for weeks was unprecedented in American history. They built her up a mile high. Then, they did the same thing with Tim Walz. A coach, a sportsman, and grandpa, a man's man. Remaking him before your eyes. Then came the joy. Oh, the glorious joy. Everyone was so fucking happy that no one could stand in the way of this immovable force. The two happiest people you've ever seen were going to take Democrats over the top!!
The problem was, it was all, complete, total, bullshit. Not one bit of it was true. Kamala wasn't smart, or accomplished, In fact, she was so dumb she couldn't do a interview with friendly reporters that she didn't totally blow. Walz was a total Maoist, who let Minneapolis burn and abandoned his unit before it shipped out to Iraq. As weak and shallow as her career and accomplishments were, his mistakes and decisions were even more egregious. Both had myriad examples of Marxism in their past and their radically leftist positions were now in view of everyone. Worst of all, they could not run from the policies that put America in the hole we've been in for four years. They made the policies, they supported all of it. The soul-crushing inflation, the wide open borders, the transgender social experiments, a terrible foreign policy, the rampant crime, all were their policies. They created it where it wasn't there in the prior four years. So, they had to lie about who they were and try to create fake joy because Americans of all colors, religions and backgrounds were suffering. The elitist leftists had forgotten the people, which is no surprise to me. They use aggrieved groups to push their agenda, but never actually care about those people. 20 million illegals were let in for one reason, to change the demographics of the country in an attempt to retain power for Democrats for a century. As soon as some were shipped to Martha's Vineyard, the truth was shown to everyone. They didn't want anything to do with these people. They let 500,000 children get trafficked and lost during their journey to this country. Thousands died from drowning, heat stroke, accidents, murder and thousands more were raped, assaulted and sex trafficked. They did nothing for these people. Pawns to be used in a game. As millions of them loiter around cities that can't handle the sheer mass of their presence, they bring crime and all their problems with them. Rapes and murders of innocent young Americans start to mount and billions of your tax dollars spent to house and feed them and give them debit cards. Thousands have been registered to vote illegally. With no where to go and no jobs to be had, they have become a much bigger problem than Democrats expected. It's a major reason why voters turned on Democrats.
Then, we have the victor. In perhaps the greatest story of vindication in our lifetime, Donald Trump rose from the ashes of the 2020 defeat and a complete lie of January 6th, to win the presidency in amazing fashion. The things he has suffered at the hands of Democrats is unparalleled in American history. Laws have been broken and our entire legal and justice system was weaponized in an effort to jail, bankrupt and destroy one man. One man who dared to challenge the establishment. The swamp is a real thing and Americans have gotten to see firsthand how terrible of a place and cesspool that Washington DC really is. Like him or hate him, Donald Trump is a very strong and courageous person to endure and survive the attempts on his life and liberty and still go forward with his endeavor to regain the presidency. It still may cost him his life because he is the single greatest threat to the swamp. They have killed before and they will do it again. I truly hope for all of our sake that he cleans that nest of vipers out and makes government actually work for the people again. That challenge is probably too tall of an order, but the notion that this is our last best chance to do it, makes the next four years exciting. If he is able to stop the war in Ukraine, end the conflict in Gaza and turn our economy around, it will not just be the greatest story of vindication, but perhaps the greatest success any president has ever had. I actually think he'll do it. It has been amazing to see how the world has already changed since he won the other night. Hamas has called for the end of the war, Putin has said he is willing to talk with Trump about ending the war in Ukraine, the EU has stated it would be better to buy LNG and oil from the US rather than Russia, China is looking forward to a new era of cooperation and warming relations with the US, companies are closing foreign factories down and coming home, Mexico has just stopped the latest caravan of migrants from reaching the US and Latin America, Israel, Hungary and other countries have cheered his victory. The world has always looked for a strong American leader and he is one. He has a mandate and the congress, so I expect major changes to come.
The vanquished do not seem to have learned a lesson from this crushing defeat they just suffered. I expect that they will go through all of the different periods of grief. Anger, depression, self-reflection and acceptance. I mostly hear a lot of anger and blame right now, but the initial reaction has been one of just not getting it. Your policies are terrible. They do not reflect the values of average Americans. You have become the party of socialism and radical leftist elitism. People of every persuasion ditched your party at levels never seen before. All of your identity politics, something you bathe yourselves in every day, has rejected you. The slavery you have put blacks through for 60 years has finally found its emancipation. You have done nothing for minorities and they know it, finally. You opened the borders to everyone, mostly Latinos, and they will reject you too. They are Catholics, by and large, and hate your anti-religious, transgender and abortion policies. They are trying to escape crime and poverty, something your policies have made common-place in America now. Obama's massive over-reach, the kind where he stated he would fundamentally change America, was such an attack on American values that he gave us Donald Trump. Biden and Harris's massive over-reach, orchestrated by Obama behind the scenes, has given us Donald Trump again. Americans may have learned their lesson this time. The Democrats will remain out of power for the next 12 years and I hope it is a lot longer than that.
So, it is morning again in America. We all look forward to making America great again and hope is alive and well. Mandates do seem to give politicians a bravado that lends to over-reach, which never ends well. I hope that the failure of Democrats is a lesson learned for Republicans. It's the first time in many years that I am excited to see the outcome rather than fear the repercussions of power in DC.
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