Stories like this are pretty cool. Sometimes there is a lot of contradictory information in stories like this and people find a lot of holes in it. Everyone seems more interested in debunking things that they don't understand rather than contemplating what it means. However, this story has a lot of concrete evidence in it. There have been books and documentaries done on Dorothy and we can see her speak in her own words towards the end of her life on film. So, rather than being a story where you are fooled into believing what appears to be a fantastic farce, just think about the truths we know.
Dorothy was born in London in 1904 to Irish parents, Reuben and Caroline Eady. Described as a bright-eyed and curious girl, there was nothing unusual about her. That changed when she was three. One day, she slipped while walking down the wooden stairs in her home and tumbled down to the bottom in a heap. After not moving or being responsive at all, the family doctor was called. After a brief examination, the doctor told the horrified parents that she was dead. The doctor left briefly in order to prepare for removing the body, only to return to find Dorothy sitting up and eating candy. Now, it wouldn't be the first time a doctor misdiagnosed someone as dead, but that isn't where the fantastic part of the story comes in.
Dorothy kept asking her parents to take her home. When she was told that she was at home, she replied with, "No, my real home." Not knowing what to think, her perplexed parents brushed it off to something that happens to people that fall and hit their head. They were partially right. The fall did something to young Dorothy. She started to exhibit strange behavior and even developed Foreign Accent Syndrome. This actually caused her to be asked not to come back to Sunday School after comparing Christianity to ancient Egyptian religion. The teacher thought the Egyptian religions as heathen and obviously blamed the parents for filling her head with bad thoughts. She also later refused to sing a hymn that called upon God to curse the swart Egyptians and was expelled from a girl's school.
In 1908, her family took Dorothy to the British Museum in London where the story really takes off. Upon seeing the rooms of Egyptian artifacts, she ran up to started kissing the feet of the statues, which alarmed onlookers. Seeing a photograph of the Temple of Seti the First, she said, "This is my home!" She begged, "Where are the trees? Where is the garden? At the time, the temple had recently been discovered and was in shambles. Many of the columns had toppled and most of the complex was buried in the sand. After stopping and taking a seat by a mummy, she told her mother to leave her there. Her mother then attempted to pick her up, when she has been quoted as saying, Leave me here, these are my people!" Soon Dorothy was having dreams on a nightly basis about Egypt, the gardens and limestone columns and would awake in the middle of the night to tears, insisting to her parents to take her home. Her parents were left perplexed. A few months later she would come across some pictures of Egypt in Exploration Magazine that her father brought home and upon seeing the Temple of Seti I in Abydos, began to cry, telling her parents that this was her home in Egypt. Exclaiming, "This is where I used to live!"
Now, I have to interject. Four year-olds do not have this kind of awareness generally. Since all of this has been researched thoroughly, we know it happened and it makes me wonder about reincarnation. We have no idea how it works, unfortunately. I would imagine, if you were a sentient being in one life and came back hundreds or thousands of years later, that you would again be a sentient being, than say coming back as a tree. Some traumatic brain injuries have awakened things in people that afterwards exhibit knowledge of talents they didn't have or speak languages they had no knowledge of. If you've read into extraterrestrials and the many people who claim to have interacted with them, it is common knowledge among that crowd that aliens have mastered the unconscious mind and that they claim everything is singular. This singularity is how they communicate with anyone and everyone through telepathy and that this understanding allows them to travel interdimensionally, travel through walls, etc. We are all connected this way. Is it possible that her fall allowed her untrained, yet also unencumbered mind to be open to intervention and perhaps found a wandering soul? If you believe we have interacted with aliens, the stories I have read are replete with stories that they know when they are coming back after death and retain their knowledge of past lives. I would assume when we achieve singularity, we would be able to do this as well. Wouldn't it be interesting to come back to life with the mind of an adult, but having to struggle with the capabilities of a child? Or even memories of a past life with little understanding beyond the familiarity of it all? Just to think about living for three years as she did as Dorothy Eady and then suddenly living as someone else is kind of amazing. Don't forget that reincarnation is a part of some rather old cultures on this planet, including ancient Egypt. Skepticism is found only in the West. There are several other very intriguing stories of young children with amazing stories of living as someone from the past and being able to give unbelievably accurate information that there is no way they would ever know about the lives and colleagues of the individual they claim to be.
Her obsession with Egypt only grew and she took every opportunity to visit the museum, where she caught the eye of E.A. Wallis Budge. Budge was the top Egyptologists in the world at the time, who worked for the British Museum. He was impressed by 10 tear-old Dorothy's enthusiasm for Egypt and began to teach her hieroglyphics, which she took on with ease. Learning hieroglyphics, with over 1000 characters, can take people years to learn, but she mastered it quickly. Dorothy moved to her grandmother's house in Sussex in 1914, during WWI. She spent much of her time in the library there studying Egypt. All of this was not as easy as it sounds as Dorothy struggled with the nightmares and sleep walking throughout her teens and early 20's. She was incarcerated in a sanitorium more than once for these incidents. In 1931 she began working for an Egyptian advocacy magazine in London where she met her husband, Emam Meguid, an Egyptian student. They soon moved to Cairo and had a child, which Dorothy named Seti, after pharaoh Seti I. As is Egyptian custom, she changed her name to Omm Seti, which means mother of Seti. Her obsession now became a full time job as she travelled and studied all over the country. So much so that she neglected her husband, leading to an eventual divorce. During this time she began to have experiences at night that she described as being in a trance-like state and being visited by a figure in Egyptian garb. This being calls himself Hor-Ra, who claimed to be the spirit of Seti I, and had her transcribe what he is telling her. She begins writing in a cursive form of hieroglyphic script, called demotic writing. The problem was, she couldn't write this script in her daily life and had never studied it. She wrote night after night, until she had 70 pages of notes. She had to find a demotic dictionary to interpret her own writings and finally had the story the figure was telling her. One of the interesting notes to this story is that her father-in-law has stated that he saw this figure in her room talking to her during one of the story telling sessions and he wasn't the only one to admit this. That, in and of itself, is amazing. We now have a sighting of an interdimensional being that she can only say she saw during a dream trance-like episode. The story he told her was of her own past life. Her name was Bentreshyt and she was a young woman who came to the Temple at Abydos because her mother died when she was three and her father was a soldier and could not afford to keep her. She became a priestess, who swore an oath to remain a virgin and honor the god Isis. One day, when she was 14, Seti I visited the temple and spoke to her. They became lovers and had an affair. She became pregnant and had no choice other than to tell the priest what she had done. He told her that she had committed a sin so great against Isis that she would be tried and if found guilty, sentenced to death. She committed suicide shortly thereafter, rather than face trial and expose Seti I to a scandal.
Shortly after learning her story, she had another episode where another being took her back to the Temple in 1300 BCE. Now some of this can be hard to believe because it is just a story that we have no knowledge of other than from Omm Seti, yet the writings still exist and the real amazing part is yet to come. I have glossed over real important things about Omm Seti. She came to know almost all of the Egyptologists of the time and worked for Selim Hassan, who is considered the father of Egyptian antiquities. He worked for the Department of Antiquities and wrote a 10-volume master work on the Giza plateau, called Excavations at Giza. Omm Seti did most of the draft and drawing works on the project and proof read all of it. She was invaluable and was the first woman to ever work as a draughtwoman in Egypt. She is given extreme credit by Hassan in the book and had the respect of all the archaeologists of the time. Her contributions to the study of ancient Egypt would make her famous very soon when the excavation and rebuilding of the Temple of Seti I took place in Abydos.
In 1956 she chose to take a poor paying job on Abydos rather than a well paying job in Cairo so she could atone for the sins of Bentreshyt in her past life. By now, her claim of living in Abydos 3000 years ago was well known among the archaeologist community and many of the workers who excavated the great sites. Edouard Ghazouli had been given the task of excavating the Temple of Seti site and he decided to test Omm Seti's claims. Though none of the recently discovered paintings within the complex had been published to the public, he asked her to go to the locations of certain scenes on the walls in the dark one night. If she had indeed been there before, she would know where to go. She passed every test, finding the paintings with ease as if she's lived there. She became instrumental in piecing the temple back together based on her knowledge of what the temple looked like from her memory. She helped rebuild the temple, which lay in 2,500 pieces, in two years and it was based almost exclusively on her memory. One day she stunned the group by asking why they had not found the garden yet. They said there was no garden and she said, of course there is, it's over there. Pointing to an area on the complex. They said they had dug over there and found nothing. She said it is there and it is where Seti I and her first met. When they went to the spot and dug, they found the unknown garden. She was even able to explain where trees and water had been and they found proof of all of it. She did things like this all during the dig. Omm Seti often credited her knowledge to her nocturnal visits with Hor-Ra, which she was still having. She even began to be visited by him when she wasn't sleeping, and people continued to insist they saw the two of them talking in her room. One of the more intriguing things about her recollections of the temple is that she said it served as a stargate. Egyptian lore talks endlessly about pharoahs and other coming from the stars and of course, the afterlife was all important to them. Some of the paintings on the walls seem to support this theory.
Omm Seti lived the rest of her life in Abydos, eventually dying in April of 1981. Her claims of having lived in ancient Abydos as Bentreshyt seem not only impossible, but something from a crazy person. Yet, we have tons and tons of physical evidence that she was telling the truth. Books and documentaries do a much better job of telling this story than I can, but it is pretty amazing. The people that worked and lived with her in Abydos claimed that Omm Seti was never wrong about her recollections. She didn't just guess and get a few things correct, she got them all right, all the time. As I've pondered this story, I keep thinking how difficult it had to be to live dual lives. Knowing that you lived somewhere once and having vague memories of it, but still having to live in the present. It obviously cost her her marriage, but she had such a deep love for the ancient Egyptian religion that she observed all of the old traditions she learned 3000 years before. The most any of us can relate to this is that feeling of deja vu. I had my own, very powerful deja vu moment while at the Coliseum in Rome in 1990. Now, I haven't been back since then, so things may have changed, but the floor of the Coliseum is only a partial floor and you used to be able to go up to a railing and look down into the bowels of the Coliseum. Below the arena is a set of rooms separated by stone walls, which you can see down on. We were able to go down there and as we were walking around down there I had a 10 second moment of clarity that I had been there before. Of course, I had never been there before, but that feeling was very strong and very familiar. Like, I had walked that arena in some capacity and knew it like the back of my hand. I have had a feeling of deja vu before this, but it wasn't powerful and lasted a second. This was so profound I stopped in my tracks and for a second I could hear the roar of the crowd. Then, it was gone.... Ok that isn't true, but I did have a moment where I was certain I had been there. But that was just a moment. Omm Seti lived an entire life knowing she had lived somewhere she had never been and made her journey to that place and found happiness and contentment, so much so, that she lived there the rest of her life. Her story of being orphaned and growing up in the temple, eventually being manipulated by a powerful older man into having sexual relations and being left with the consequences has happened from the beginning of time. A tortured soul who never got to live a proper life. It perhaps makes much more sense that someone like that was able to be reincarnated than someone powerful who got to do as they wished.
Omm Seti had a few more surprises for us that even after forty years we don't know the answer to yet. She claimed that she knew that Nefertiti's grave, which has never been found, was close to her step son's grave. Nefertiti was the wife of Akhenaten and the step-mother of Tutankhamun. Most of the depictions of Nefertiti on the walls of various temple and tombs show her as green or blue, when other Egyptians are brown. She has an elongated head and large eyes. It is felt she may not have been human. The discovery of her tomb would be very profound. In 2015, scans were made of the walls of Tutankhamun's tomb and new, unknown passage ways and a chamber have been discovered. The problem is, you would have to destroy the wonderfully painted walls of the tomb to get to the passages. It is quite possible that her tomb may be exactly where Omm Seti said it would be. She also claimed there was an important library under the paw of the Sphinx, something the Edgar Casey also claimed. Scans proved there was, in fact, a chamber there. Though its contents have long been raided by secret powers, as far as the public is concerned, it has never been excavated. Dorothy Eady continues to amaze forty years after she left us...again.
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