Do you want to know what a real existential threat to democracy is? Marxism, Socialism and Communism are existential threats to freedom and democracy. Those "isms" are ideologies that are diametrically opposed to democracy in every way. The only one pushing any of those "isms" are the Democrats. In fact, their existence and platform is nothing but Marxism, Socialism and Communism dressed up and renamed as progressivism. Everything they propose is rife with one of these "isms". From government run health care, to mandates on electric vehicles to their God awful plan for a digital currency and the demand you swear fealty to transgenderism. They promote massive government, they attack Christianity, conservatism and want to strip you of the right to bear arms. They are attacking the Supreme Court, want to change our elections to get rid of the Electoral College. Every time you turn around they want to limit your free speech and impose radical policies on all of us. They attack the pillars of democracy like safety through police protection, want to totally control education and push radical racial ideology like white supremacy and the 1619 Project. They tell you that having to produce identification to vote is racist and fight every effort to have integrity in our elections. All of these items are in the book, Rules for Radicals, by Saul Alinsky. He was a devout communist and wrote the book as a treatise on how to tear down democracy. Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton both loved Saul Alinsky and used many of his ideas in their own campaigns. Biden's Administration is actually run by left-over Obama radicals and they have pushed this communist agenda as far as they can.
Know what else is an existential threat to democracy? Open borders. The lack of any border protection for this country for four years has cost us dearly. A country that doesn't protect its border loses its sovereignty and ceases to be a country. You will be killed crossing into most countries on this planet illegally and that includes all of our enemies. We have no idea who has come in for the past four years. Terrorists, Chinese spies and sleeper cells, drug traffickers, human traffickers, murderers, rapists, gang members, the mentally insane and enough fentanyl to kill everyone on earth many times over. That is an unimaginable and undeniable threat. Now, can you imagine anyone that loves this country opening the borders to everyone without caring who they are or where they came from? It's political, social and economic suicide and it could cost all of us our country. When the next terrorist attack happens, and it will happen soon, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and everyone responsible for this atrocity of a policy should be brought up on charges and thrown in prison for the rest of their lives. They are directly responsible.
Inflation is a threat to democracy. Unchecked inflation thanks to unneeded and wasteful government spending, most of it given to Democrat constituent groups or utterly wasted on inefficient and costly green energy boondoggles. Inflation crushes low-income families, strangles the middle class, stagnates innovation and just simply steals your wealth. Inflation is the enemy of freedom. It's crashed economies and destroyed nations. You can try blaming it on Putin, lie to us that it's just transitory, and look us in the eye and say we're just going to have to get used to it, but it happens for only one reason. Wasteful government spending. It happened due to a dereliction of duty and an ideology hellbent on destroying America. It was completely avoidable and anyone with a high school education knew it was going to happen. Paul Krugman, of course, didn't, but the rest of us knew it was coming.
An inexcusable and completely avoidable threat to democracy is strangling our energy independence. Home grown energy is one of the surest ways to ensure our national security. It's a huge jobs creator, allows for cheaper consumption and keeps us as free as possible. It's a huge driver of the economy good or bad. Higher fuel prices like we've had for four years, hurts everyone and raises prices across the spectrum of goods we buy. When fuel is cheap, all facets of the economy are buoyed. Buying oil from our enemies or unfriendly countries just helps them. Russia and Iran are two that come to mind, but even Saudi Arabia and most of OPEC are not truly our friends. Dumping oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve not only made us a lot less safe, but was an idiotic move that had no impact on prices. We shut down a very beneficial pipeline, costing many American jobs and raising the cost of fuel, but allowed Putin to have Nordstream II. Just another gut-punch to America from the Biden Administration. Billions and billions have been spent and earmarked for inefficient, costly and useless green energy projects. A lot of that money flows to our enemy China, and a large portion to Democrat friends in the green movement. Just as Obama opened the spigot to his friends at many start ups that then went bankrupt, there will be no accountability for Harris or Biden for the hundreds of billions wasted. They could care a less that their EV mandates will crush low income and middle class Americans. They are going to choke America off and enrich China and our enemies in the biggest redistribution of wealth in human history. If we fall, are taken over or collapse, so be it. We deserve it, they say.
You know what else is an existential threat to democracy? A government that lies and breaks our laws. In fact, this is perhaps the biggest threat of all. Democrats, by definition, are liars. They have to lie because all of their ideas and policies follow the Socialist and Marxist playbooks. You are less free when government grows and spends enormous sums of money. When they mandate products and control the media, education and entertainment fields, you have no choices, are constantly being indoctrinated and hearing a monolithic drumbeat of propaganda. All of it lies. For the past four years you have had to endure no borders, no security, a destruction of our history, a mangling of biology, social experiments, character assassinations and now an attempted real assassination of the most vilified person in my lifetime. Donald Trump has been vilified by friends and foes alike and you can probably not go anywhere where he is not despised from the lies that have been told about him. If you don't think some crazy person could be persuaded to violence after many on the left call him Hitler or a threat, you're an idiot. I cannot remember ever not trusting our DOJ, FBI or military leaders until the last four years. I know I cannot trust them on the investigation of the assassination attempt. Lawfare has been waged against conservatives, damaging our justice system. What you've been told about January 6th is mostly lies. George Floyd, mostly lies. They burned down a police precinct, for God's sake. Then Kamala Harris bailed out the perpetrators. A nationwide assault of cops ensued where they defunded them and then after crime soared, businesses were leaving the cities and people were dying in the streets, they had the audacity to blame Republicans. Republicans have always supported law enforcement and were 100% against defunding any police department. The FBI lied to the FISA Court about the Steele Dossier, setting off the biggest and most illegal witch hunt in American history. The FBI lied about the fake Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot, Jan 6th, the Top Secret documents case and now the attempted assassination. The Democrats, led by Kamala Harris, have lied about Joe Biden's health for years. It has been a massive cover-up and its been done by unelected far left radicals that are actually running the government. Did you know Joe hasn't met with his cabinet in over a year? How the hell can you run this country doing that? Yet, they want your vote again.
Don't forget it was Democrats that were completely wrong about Covid and they were the ones that shut down business, fined them if they tried to stay open, assailed anyone not taking the untested jab, even going as far as firing people and most dastardly of all, taking their retirement and pensions away. It was the most blatant and unforgettable use of authoritarian power I've ever seen from my government and has given us all a glimpse of what they will do with their power in the future. It is frightening all the little plots they have to strip you of your money and freedom. If you can weaponize the justice and enforcement agencies of the Federal government, then there is nothing people can do to be free. This is how authoritarian regimes take control of their populations and make them do things they don't want to do. It's why Germans stuck on the wrong side risked being shot trying to climb the wall, or how millions of Russians, Germans and Chinese just disappeared. When the brown shirts, Gestapo, KGB or CCP comes for you, you rarely survive and if you do, you'll be worked nearly to death and will only see the light of freedom if their regimes fall. Our brush with authoritarianism the past four years came in the form of DEI officers in your company. They were the modern-day equivalent of politikal officers in Russia or Chinese minders and Hitler Youth. Telling on your neighbors and making sure you met your racial quotas. Just watch tv today and see how they want the nuclear family represented. In fact, Google search happy white woman once and see the images you get. You are saturated with anti-white and homosexual and transgender themes. These woke policies are really counter-productive and racist. Just ask Trump, who nearly died due to incompetent DEI Secret Service agents. The people pushing them actually think that being racist against white people is how you reverse a century of perceived racism. Think hard about that. I'll go a step further, being white today, around progressives, is like being a Jew in Germany in the late 1930's. Of course, the utter and deep racism of the left has come to the forefront with the attack on Israel in October. The entire future of their party and their enablers, college professors and administrators, have exposed themselves as Jew hating Nazi racists. They had no problem siding with terrorists and took up the same rhetoric and garb as the murderers. Too bad Hamas would kill every one of them for setting foot in Gaza as homosexuals and infidels. I have always said that Democrats were the most racist group of people I have ever known and they also happen to be the most hypocritical. They divide people into racial, ethnic and sexual groups on a daily basis, yet are so blind to their own racism and bigotry that they actually think they hold the moral high ground on the subject. If you call people a racist long enough, then it becomes the truth. At least, to the morally bankrupt it does. As far as 90% of the country is concerned, we are post-racial. Normal people don't even think about race, but tell that to an indoctrinated Democrat and watch them literally melt. They absolutely need racism to exist or their entire ideology falls apart. Poor fucking bastards.
I challenge you to find a conservative voice that says they want to fundamentally change America. You won't find any. Only Democrats say that. No conservatives want to change how the Supreme Court works or limit their power, yet Democrats cry about it all the time and decrepit Joe is about to come out with a policy idea next week to do just that. Conservatives did not tear down any statues of our past. Only Democrats do that. Conservatives have never mandated that you buy any product nor have they tried to limit your ability to have what you want. Democrats do it every legislative session. EV mandates, gas stove bans, coal bans, light bulb bans, gas powered lawn tool bans and on and on. Conservatives never once demanded you take the Covid shot, wear masks or close your businesses and then took away your job and pensions if you didn't, but Democrats did it many times to many people. Conservatives have never once tried to get rid of your religion from the public square or mocked it outright, only Democrats do that. They do it to Christians every day. They want you to pay for abortions you don't support, cancel you and sue you into oblivion if you won't make a cake for a gay couple. Conservatives have always supported our military and police. Only Democrats have reduced our effectiveness by cutting military spending, defunding the police and forcing DEI initiatives upon all branches. No conservative has ever weaponized the Justice Department against their political opponents and everyday parents. Only a Democrat would even conceive of abusing such powers, breaking the trust of the public with no concerns for the future. I've always told you to listen to them when they accuse their opponents of something. You can guarantee that they are accusing their opponents of the things they are actually doing. It's a kind of projection of guilt and it is unique to the left. Now, ask yourself, who is the real threat to democracy?
Meanwhile, every day, the mainstream media will keep attacking Trump and all of his supporters as threats. The vilification will never end. The corrupt FBI will come out with a totally fake story like the one that dropped the other day, where they are warning us of copycat political violence against Democrats. Sorry, dickheads, no one on the right will attack anyone. Just like there has been virtually no election cheating by conservatives, there will be no violence. We don't have a philosophy like the hero of the left, Karl Marx. The ends do not justify the means. To us, that is abhorrent. So, with Joe Biden gone from the race, Kamala Harris brings even a more radical approach. She stands for all of the existential threats I outlined and more that I did not. Since she cannot run on their record, all they have is hate and fear to sow. In the first week of her campaign, Kamala Harris has lied repeatedly about Trump and Vance, with the usual vilification you'd expect from Communists, Marxists and Socialists. She will bring more pain and suffering, more loss of freedoms and an accelerated erosion of your rights. Anyone voting for her and any of her associates will become the existential threat to democracy that she represents. I can say this with surety because I know that what most people perceive as poor management of the country is really a purposeful strangling of American ideals and freedoms. They didn't just mismanage the economy and border, they planned a slow destruction of everything we stand for and the collapse is just one administration away from completion.
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