Joe Biden is the worst president this country has ever had, but the most spectacular failure in political history is waiting in the wings. Kamala Harris, currently installed as Democrat Presidential Nominee via a coup, would surpass decrepit and corrupt Joe in every way possible as the worst president. A true San Francisco socialist, her radical positions surprise no one. If you thought Barack Obama was a Manchurian candidate, the sock puppet that is Kamala, fits the bill as much as he did. Just like Obama, who has communists and Marxists in his background and theology, Kamala's own father was a communist. You will be led astray on this topic by the media and in my research on Donald Harris, I found dozens of recent articles that tried to cover up his Marxism. To me, there is no difference between a commie and a Marxist, but some leftist intellectual will try to teach us the minor differences. Karl Marx was a communist. Anyway, here is an article that cannot be denied. I will quote directly from it.
The Standford Daily wrote in 1972, this article is posted in my picture above, that Stanford University offered an Economics post to a Marxist. In fact, Professor John Gurley, head of the Economics Department at the time said,
"the appointment of Harris was the culmination of the six-month "round-the-world" search for the most qualified Marxist professor available."
This is what Harris wrote about Marxism in his book, Capital Accumulation and Income Distribution:
Marx was the theorist of economic growth par excellence. He conceived of the capitalist economy as an inherently expansionary system having an inner logic of its own. It was his purpose to discover the abstract and general principles underlying the operation of this form of society and the contradictions it entailed, so as to account for its process of change and supersession.... The system of analysis is also incomplete in some of its essentials. Nevertheless, the Marxian system remains today as a powerful basis upon which to construct a theory of growth of the capitalist economy appropriate to modern conditions.
So yes, Kamala's upbringing was full of Marxism and Communism and yes, she will be the most far-left candidate you have ever seen. It is also true that her family owned slaves. Her great great grandfather, Hamilton Brown, owned slaves in Jamaica for many years on a plantation he had. When the British government banned slavery on the island, he freed them. Facebook tried desperately to parse this fact by stating that it was taken out of context because it is nothing to be ashamed of and intimated that Hamilton may have raped one of his slaves and that is how she had slavery in her family. I only point out this fact because the media machine is doing everything they can to change everything about her. The desperation is out of control. None of us can control what our great great grandfather did, so who cares, but isn't it interesting that the Democrat Party has gone to great lengths to bash our Founding Fathers and historical figures that had anything to do with slavery, but if one of their own has even the slightest smudge on them, then suddenly owning slaves is no big deal. Hypocrites.
The Democrats built a DEI mousetrap they cannot get themselves out of. There was no way she could not be nominated, considering they are a party built almost completely on identity politics and racism. Even though they can't tell you what a woman is, they had to go with her or face an uprising from the legions of foaming-at-the-mouth, race-baiting, trans supporting automatons they have built. I still believe there is a lot of apprehension among the socialist elite about her. They should be afraid. It would've been great to see an open convention where others challenged her. She would not have survived, so like usual, the DNC broke their own rules to nominate someone who didn't earn a single delegate. Bernie Sanders feels that burn.
Let's be clear, Kamala Harris is a total moron and is as unserious and dangerous as you think she is. Her entire career was built on sleeping with a married politician to climb the ladder and get her shot. When she got it, she completely failed California as a DA and Attorney General by being unbelievably light on crime. It was a total foreshadowing to her support for criminals during the 2020 George Floyd riots. She tweeted out her support for a fund to get true criminals out of jail after they burned, looted and even committed murder. Please look into her support for the MN Freedom Fund, a fund she still supports today. What a true humiliation for the rule of law. It's a personal afront to every citizen and for a public servant, the Vice President of the United States, no less, to aid and abet criminals. It is quite possibly grounds for impeachment. It completely makes her books on her time as AG worth as much as shit-filled toilet paper. She brags about being tough on crime, yet woke enough to be fair to the offenders. You're probably going to hear a complete rewriting of her record on crime by the fawning media and for sure during the Democrat convention, but don't be fooled. She never supported the criminal justice system, always feeling it was unfair to minorities and the aggrieved. She is the perfect BLM candidate, calling herself a progressive prosecutor who fakes to be on the side of victims, but her record proves otherwise. In 2004 one of San Francisco's finest was killed in cold blood by a criminal. The case was easily a death penalty conviction, but Harris would not prosecute the perp on death penalty charges. SFPD hated her for that and even Senator Boxer, who's seat she would later take, was furious at the failed justice for the family and law enforcement. It wasn't the last time Kamala Harris would side with criminals over law enforcement. Curiously, she then failed to prosecute the Orange County prison system in an open and shut case of illegally putting informants in with convicted felons in order to get admissions of guilt. This was grossly illegal, but many criminals received new trials. This was probably why she did it, but one again, failed to prosecute. It makes you wonder about her integrity. If you look around for the truth on her record as prosecutor and AG, you will find most of it whitewashed already. Anything written recently uses statistics from Harris's own books rather than the real numbers, They only interviewed friends and supporters, but I would expect nothing else from the propaganda machine we call a media today. After an abysmal performance as AG, she was once again anointed by anti-democracy liberals to US Senator to replace Barbara Boxer. She was the most-liberal, morally bankrupt and least deserving senator in history, surpassing the self-proclaimed Communist, Bernie Sanders with a 100% liberal voting record. No one has ever voted 100% of the time for every single freedom destroying leftist bill that came before them until she showed up. She has never strayed from radical liberal orthodoxy, and it is easy to draw a straight line from there to she doesn't think for herself. If you always do the bidding of your party, then you are a drone and can be easily manipulated. The commies that actually run this government love that about her. A sock puppet. In true form, she never co-authored any legislation, mostly due to a lack of intelligence and preparation for her job. After running for president and having to quit the race early, never having won any primary, her diversity boxes were all checked by Joe Biden to be his VP choice. Joe actually admitted it by saying the quiet part out loud when he said he picked her because she was a woman.
Sure, there is a love affair with the media at the moment. They are trying to rewrite history every day and lie straight to your face about her past, but once she is left on her own, she will embarrass herself and her party with massive explosions of pure stupidity. A strategy of hiding her from the press is now in place. She has been back-tracking on all kinds of her wildly unpopular stances like on fracking and even has adds openly lying about her stance on the border and blaming Trump for the illegal onslaught. That is fucking amazing that anyone could lie so brazenly about something you can look up in 5 seconds and prove as demonstrably false. Lying for a Democrat is like breathing for you and I. Instinctive.
Let's talk about her accomplishments...
Some might think I'm pretty unfair for not giving her any credit by winning the elections she won. Let's be honest. Willy Brown's johnson got her the job of San Fran DA. She won California AG and senator by anointment. She failed miserably while running for president. Literally, no one voted for her. Joe Biden was fighting his milquetoast whiteness and age and went for a diversity hire. Democrat philosophy required him to pick a woman of color. Plain and simple. I love it when useful idiots try to claim a comment like this is racist. It isn't. In the fucked up world of identity politics that we live in, it is absolutely a real thing. The Biden Administration is partly a total failure because of this horrible policy and its insidiousness has infiltrated businesses and the military. It all but guarantees American exceptionalism and productivity are a thing of the past. By the way, if DEI is so great, then why get offended when someone is called a diversity hire?
Moving on, we can talk about her failures. There are many. There is the obvious because it is the most recent. Our glorious Border Czar oversaw the single-most traitorous policy decision any president has ever made. Though Joe Biden gets a lot of the blame because he was president while it was happening, she was put in charge of it and I think I know why. This kind of nation destroying policy has her fingerprints all over it. She advocated for open borders for years. Joe never did. In fact, Joe once proclaimed that we cannot allow illegal aliens to enter our country. Kamala has always been all for it, This might have been Joe's way of distancing himself from a policy he actually had nothing to do with. Harris did nothing as Border Czar except perpetuate more illegal aliens to come here. If she went looking for the root causes, she failed because the root cause was her and Joe opening the border. She also was one of the first to come out and say that ICE reminded her of the KKK and falsely attacked agents at the border for whipping migrants with the rains while on horseback. It took a two second look at video evidence to prove her wrong, that the agents did not whip any illegals. She's been a big supporter of the open borders group La Raza for a long time and consistently supports every single option for making voting easier to cheat at and harder to protect. She also rabidly supported BLM and the Defund the Police movement. Kamala also was the point person to the fantastic lie that Joe was actually cognizant. She lied dozens of times during the cover-up over Joe's mental decline. This shows she has zero integrity and will lie to you about anything. As I stated earlier, her support for criminals is unprecedented. This proves she hates America and is willing to sacrifice your safety and security to push a political agenda. No one with those principles should be allowed to serve in any public office. You clearly aren't serving the public. Who the hell are you serving?
She supported and lied about the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan in which 13 patriotic Marines were needlessly killed. I cannot imagine being in charge of nor supporting such a failure, let alone, go out in public and lie about it. If I was in charge, it wouldn't have happened in the first place, but if it did, I would fire all of those responsible for dereliction of duty. No one was fired, no one was disciplined, but those in charge were told they had the full support and confidence of the White House. In fact, as the disaster was developing, Kamala and the White House put out a press release that she was the last person to leave the room during the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan.
Vice President Kamala Harris confirmed Sunday that she was the last person in the room before President Joe Biden made the decision to pull all U.S. troops out of Afghanistan. In an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash on “State of the Union,” Harris was asked about being the last person in the room regarding major decisions, something that Biden has said is important to him in his working relationship with the vice president. Harris confirmed that was the case regarding the move to pull U.S. troops out of Afghanistan by Sept. 11.
I'm not sure you need more proof of her terrible decision making or being attached to every terrible policy call in the last four years, but there it is in black and white. She touted it and the press pumped it up as her big increased role to try to make her more than she is once again. Now, they will try to rewrite history to say she had nothing to do with it, but Kamala Harris owns the Afghanistan disaster lock, stock and barrel.
She made a trip to Puerto Rico last year to try to promote the Administration's support for the island nation. She stupidly laughed and clapped along to a song that was denouncing her visit. This moronic moment was akin to Joe and Jill not understanding the Nascar crowd yelling Fuck Joe Biden, and prompted the Let's Go Brandon movement. Kamala, however, has laughed and clapped at so many pointless things that it will go down as just another dismal appearance. I have something further on this. Kamala has been told for years how smart she is. She's been lifted up by a party and ideology that believes in diversity, equity and inclusion, but she isn't smart. There are dozens and dozens of clips of her making the most insane and asinine comments on various subjects like yellow school buses and banks in the community. Her words are nonsensical, amateurish, incoherent and incompetent. If you watch all of them, she thinks she can speak from the cuff, but cannot do it intelligently. This comes from a lack of confidence in the subject and no preparation.
If you recall, most, if not all, of her staff quit within the first two years in office. In something very worrying, it isn't because she's abusive, it's far deeper and you can see the incompetency coming to the surface. Here's a blistering comment from a Seattle Times article from December of 2021.
Staffers who worked for Harris before she was vice president said one consistent problem was that Harris would refuse to wade into briefing materials prepared by staff members, then berate employees when she appeared unprepared.
“It’s clear that you’re not working with somebody who is willing to do the prep and the work,” one former staffer said. “With Kamala you have to put up with a constant amount of soul-destroying criticism and also her own lack of confidence. So you’re constantly sort of propping up a bully and it’s not really clear why.”
The common denominator among the legions of staff that have quit from her time as Attorney General in California, her senate run and the Vice Presidency is, her. She has a lack of confidence for a reason. She's never accomplished anything on her own and has been labeled as a failure in all roles because...she is a failure. She should never have ascended to where she is and did because she checked all the diversity boxes and not because she did anything. When she starts the word-salad jibberish it's because she is an unprepared amateur. When you are constantly propped up, you blame others for your failures because you don't know how to handle pressure. That kind of insecurity leads people to flee from you. Democrats will begin to flee.
I recently found out she failed the bar exam on her first try. At first, I didn't think much of it because a lot of people don't pass the first time, but it quickly dawned on me that it happens to people who are unprepared or underprepared. Do you see a theme here? That unpreparedness is not something any of us want in a president. She isn't presidential material. The most assured way to prove this is ask yourself, when we are on the brink of war, when our adversaries are poised to strike or a national crisis arises, who do you want taking the lead? Donald Trump or Kamala Harris? That question is so easily answered with Donald Trump that even liberal socialists agree. None of us want Kamala in charge, but you can bet our enemies do. There will be more interference and cheating in this election by anti-American forces than you can possibly imagine. The intelligence community just released a statement the other day that Iran is currently attempting to sabotage the Trump campaign. He is a criminal in their minds for killing that shitbag Soleimani and they know the free ride to nuclear weapons will end with Trump in office. Of course, thanks to the Biden/Harris Administration, they will have nuclear weapons by the time I post this. They would still be years away with Trump in office. They had no money and as a result, during Trump's Presidency, they and there proxies were pretty quiet. But Biden/Harris made sure they are flush with money and look at the how enflamed the Middle East is now.
I usually stay away from calling people names, like moron or idiot, but it fits Kamala. It probably is a bit unfair to say she never deserved any of the positions she has had, but when you get a job by having sex with someone with influence and benefitted from it, you deserve the slings and arrows. When your boss says he picked you because you were a woman of color, you really didn't do anything to earn that. When you get picked by your party after they just threw their candidate aside because you are a woman of color and you cannot be cast aside due to political orthodoxy, then you didn't do anything to earn that. In fact, she was considered a laughing stock prior to this, even by her own party. This was a knee-jerk and desperate move by a party in total disarray and if she wins, this country will no longer exist in its current form when it's over. She will continue all of the disastrous policies that are ruining our country now and will double and triple down on the most radical of them, like green energy, massive spending, the destruction of the family, transgender mania and the prosecution of political rivals. Her weakness is so obvious and acute that all of our enemies will prey upon us. The fundamental change that Obama started will culminate in the collapse of America as a super-power and destroy democracy and capitalism in one fell swoop. You may think that I'm overly dramatic or exaggerating, but a radical leftist, who doesn't believe in America and is unprepared and untested in a very dangerous world, a dangerous world that her policies helped create, will make us a sitting duck. The enemies of freedom are on the march and one of them just might be our next president.
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